An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
June 21, 2022

An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized​

By Andrea Widburg

n the neighborhood in which my kids grew up, none of the high school–aged boys wanted to date. The problem was that the high school girls were too difficult. They were in the early stages of becoming the screaming, woke feminists who were so prominent during the George Floyd rallies. On Twitter, a girl like that, only now grown up to be a mother and academic, tweeted something generically nasty about the "alt-right" hatefulness of White boys in middle school — and an 18-year-old decided to explain exactly why White boys are embracing non-woke standards.

Dr. Danna Youngus, a University of Delaware communications professor rather than a medical doctor, has blocked access to her account, but the content lives on:

My teen told me something that's been haunting me for weeks.
He said, "I think almost every white middle school boy is in the alt-right pipeline — at some point — until something/someone pulls them out."
Somehow, Youngus's message came to the attention of Daniel Schmidt, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Chicago, who remembers very well his middle-school years, not to mention the journey through high school. Here is his Twitter thread, unrolled:

I'm an 18-year-old white male. I was in middle school only 5 years ago.

I think I can offer some perspective on @dannagal's thread.

Yes, young white males increasingly identify as right-wing.

But why?

From my experience, here's what's really happening:

Imagine you're an 8th-grade boy. You're beginning to be told by teachers, the media, and maybe your parents that you're privileged because you're a boy. It's a basic truth, you're told.

But this just makes you confused. You start asking yourself questions. If boys are privileged, why do the girls in my class tend to get better grades?

Why are there more girls than boys in my advanced classes?

Why are the girls more well-behaved and focused?

Why are some of the girls preparing for college applications already? By the time you get to high school, your confusion only grows.

Your friend, who used to go to church with you, has become addicted to porn. Another friend, whose parents have recently divorced, has started using drugs.

Your friends start appearing unmotivated and demoralized. Meanwhile, the girls at your school continue to be over-represented in honors classes, get better test scores and grades, obtain more leadership positions, and participate in more extracurriculars.

But you're still repeatedly told that boys are privileged. How could this be? Then, when college acceptances come out, you notice many more girls than boys get into top universities. More girls are going to college in general, for that matter.

But for some reason, all you hear is that girls are underrepresented in higher education. It's confusing. When you search for scholarships to apply to, you find hundreds that are only open to women.

When you tour college campuses, you hear how proud the school is to have student organizations like Women in Law, Women in Business, and Women in Science.

It all becomes too much. You start doing research.

You discover that men are more likely to be homeless, go to prison, become alcoholics, struggle with isolation/loneliness, die of a drug overdose, and commit suicide.

But all you hear about, for some reason, is something called the "gender pay gap."

Eventually, you find out that the only people who seem to talk about the issues facing men — the only people who appear to sympathize with how you feel — are so-called "alt-right" figures like Jordan Peterson.

You start listening to them. For once, you feel like you're not alone. Now imagine you're an 8th-grade white boy.

On top of the alienation you experience for merely being a boy, you're told by teachers, the media, and maybe even your parents that you should feel some form of remorse for being white.

You're as privileged as it gets, you're told. This doesn't make much sense to you. Why should you feel bad for being white — something you can't control?

This is a question you and your white classmates implicitly know cannot be asked. So instead, all of you submit. Humiliation quickly leads to demoralization. As you get older, you feel increasingly unwelcome by society. "Diversity and inclusion" initiatives and never-ending anti-white messaging from the media only make you feel like a burden.

So you turn to the Internet, where you feel welcome by video games and right-wing forums. Younger and younger white males are following this path. They feel they're simply unwelcome by society, and they escape to a select few communities and websites.

For the first time in America's history, the founding demographic is dropping out of society in massive numbers. Dr. Danna Young's solution?

"Inclusive programming and a critical historical lens."

It's almost like their goal is to demoralize and demonize young men — the group most likely to challenge our ruling class.

I have only one thing to add to that: when you marginalize people, as leftists like Youngus (who argues that leftists have a greater grasp of "cognitive complexity" and therefore a better sense of humor) are doing, there will be pushback, and that pushback is never pretty. Schmidt is polite and thoughtful; others will not be.
June 21, 2022

An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized​

By Andrea Widburg

n the neighborhood in which my kids grew up, none of the high school–aged boys wanted to date. The problem was that the high school girls were too difficult. They were in the early stages of becoming the screaming, woke feminists who were so prominent during the George Floyd rallies. On Twitter, a girl like that, only now grown up to be a mother and academic, tweeted something generically nasty about the "alt-right" hatefulness of White boys in middle school — and an 18-year-old decided to explain exactly why White boys are embracing non-woke standards.

Dr. Danna Youngus, a University of Delaware communications professor rather than a medical doctor, has blocked access to her account, but the content lives on:

I'm an 18-year-old white male. I was in middle school only 5 years ago.

I think I can offer some perspective on @dannagal's thread.

Yes, young white males increasingly identify as right-wing.

But why?

From my experience, here's what's really happening:

Imagine you're an 8th-grade boy. You're beginning to be told by teachers, the media, and maybe your parents that you're privileged because you're a boy. It's a basic truth, you're told.

But this just makes you confused. You start asking yourself questions. If boys are privileged, why do the girls in my class tend to get better grades?

Why are there more girls than boys in my advanced classes?

Why are the girls more well-behaved and focused?

Why are some of the girls preparing for college applications already? By the time you get to high school, your confusion only grows.

Your friend, who used to go to church with you, has become addicted to porn. Another friend, whose parents have recently divorced, has started using drugs.

Your friends start appearing unmotivated and demoralized. Meanwhile, the girls at your school continue to be over-represented in honors classes, get better test scores and grades, obtain more leadership positions, and participate in more extracurriculars.

But you're still repeatedly told that boys are privileged. How could this be? Then, when college acceptances come out, you notice many more girls than boys get into top universities. More girls are going to college in general, for that matter.

But for some reason, all you hear is that girls are underrepresented in higher education. It's confusing. When you search for scholarships to apply to, you find hundreds that are only open to women.

When you tour college campuses, you hear how proud the school is to have student organizations like Women in Law, Women in Business, and Women in Science.

It all becomes too much. You start doing research.

You discover that men are more likely to be homeless, go to prison, become alcoholics, struggle with isolation/loneliness, die of a drug overdose, and commit suicide.

But all you hear about, for some reason, is something called the "gender pay gap."

Eventually, you find out that the only people who seem to talk about the issues facing men — the only people who appear to sympathize with how you feel — are so-called "alt-right" figures like Jordan Peterson.

You start listening to them. For once, you feel like you're not alone. Now imagine you're an 8th-grade white boy.

On top of the alienation you experience for merely being a boy, you're told by teachers, the media, and maybe even your parents that you should feel some form of remorse for being white.

You're as privileged as it gets, you're told. This doesn't make much sense to you. Why should you feel bad for being white — something you can't control?

This is a question you and your white classmates implicitly know cannot be asked. So instead, all of you submit. Humiliation quickly leads to demoralization. As you get older, you feel increasingly unwelcome by society. "Diversity and inclusion" initiatives and never-ending anti-white messaging from the media only make you feel like a burden.

So you turn to the Internet, where you feel welcome by video games and right-wing forums. Younger and younger white males are following this path. They feel they're simply unwelcome by society, and they escape to a select few communities and websites.

For the first time in America's history, the founding demographic is dropping out of society in massive numbers. Dr. Danna Young's solution?

"Inclusive programming and a critical historical lens."

It's almost like their goal is to demoralize and demonize young men — the group most likely to challenge our ruling class.

I have only one thing to add to that: when you marginalize people, as leftists like Youngus (who argues that leftists have a greater grasp of "cognitive complexity" and therefore a better sense of humor) are doing, there will be pushback, and that pushback is never pretty. Schmidt is polite and thoughtful; others will not be.
This is precisely what I am witnessing with my teenagers, and breaking this mold is going to be a lot harder than creating it. This will have ramifications into the future.

I cannot say it enough: sexism doesn't solve sexism, racism doesn't solve racism, discrimination doesn't solve discrimination. It's like trying to save a drowning person with the water coming out of a fire hose.
Deer Lowered.

A few bullet points

women in leadership often leads to chronic dissension in the workplace

girls in scounting have quickly gotten into leadership

They volunteer for everything and lead many of the boys around like puppy dogs

Adult leadership caters to the girls.

When I was in HS boys dominated the classrooms and more boys went to college .

Sometime after I left school there was a conscious effort to change that and today we see the results as listed in the article

The only way to achieve that was to villainize masculinity while openly catering to the girls

MGTOW seems to be a thing among the younger men. And marriage has been ruined for a lot of the male species in the west.
Are you so emotionally stunted that you can't empathize with this and so filled with your guilt that you are blind to the results of suppressing this population?
Show me an actual case - not something likely shadow written by a 35 YO incel - and I will be quite empathetic. Why are you guys so drawn to the victimization stories?
A few bullet points

women in leadership often leads to chronic dissension in the workplace

girls in scounting have quickly gotten into leadership

They volunteer for everything and lead many of the boys around like puppy dogs

Adult leadership caters to the girls.

When I was in HS boys dominated the classrooms and more boys went to college .

Sometime after I left school there was a conscious effort to change that and today we see the results as listed in the article

The only way to achieve that was to villainize masculinity while openly catering to the girls

MGTOW seems to be a thing among the younger men. And marriage has been ruined for a lot of the male species in the west.
Communists do what Communists have always done. Emphasize equality, when you get enough people to agree, bring the group that is ahead down, instead of bringing the group that is behind up to the same level as the group that is ahead.

It's easier to stop the car to have the other car pass it. Easier still if you put the car that is ahead in reverse.
This entire ‘white men are victims’ movement is both comical and sad. And we thought millennials were the snowflakes.
These are not men. These are young kids being told by their teachers they should be remorseful for being white and they are being neutered and not being allowed to grow up as a normal white male man. Thankfully I was not raised this way, some of these kids are, and the liberals are screwing up all of our kids mentally.
I’ll patiently await an explanation of Steven Pinker as a right wing spin nazi.
His only good point that he made was that Democrats/Universities need to stop disengaging in the arguments. Everything else was complete trash. From what he is saying there he believes that Republicans are all white supremacists, with no education.

The reason why the left will not allow debate is that it would point out their false ideologies. Every time conservatives have voiced their opinions on campuses they are shouted down, and not engaged. He would create his own downfall, so I'm for debate on the issues.
These are not men. These are young kids being told by their teachers they should be remorseful for being white and they are being neutered and not being allowed to grow up as a normal white male man. Thankfully I was not raised this way, some of these kids are, and the liberals are screwing up all of our kids mentally.
I have another follow-up to this, why is it that Dims have no problem with a 13 year old deciding they are another sex and most likely due to the teachings they get in the class room, and they can go get a sex change surgery without parental consent in Washington State and you believe and trust in these kids thought processes to make that big of a change with their body. But yet we have another kid telling you what is happening in the class room and the experiences of these kids and the mental problems it causes, and in this instance you think it is all imagined? And again, all taught by teachers. The Dim hypocrisy knows NO BOUNDS.
I think all of this is backwards. Kids will always be rebellious vs. the norms of their parents. Historically, this has meant shifting left. The baby boomer's had kids who became hippies, chased Elvis, and enjoyed Woodstock. Their kids kicked off the LGBT movement, acceptance of tattoos, purple hair, etc. But now you've reached the point where being 'rebellious' means going right. If BLM and Antifa are acceptable (and I daresay promoted ideologies) then there simply isn't a further left to go. Being liberal has become the status quo, and if you don't want to be status quo compared to your peers and society in general, you have no choice but to shift right.
I think all of this is backwards. Kids will always be rebellious vs. the norms of their parents. Historically, this has meant shifting left. The baby boomer's had kids who became hippies, chased Elvis, and enjoyed Woodstock. Their kids kicked off the LGBT movement, acceptance of tattoos, purple hair, etc. But now you've reached the point where being 'rebellious' means going right. If BLM and Antifa are acceptable (and I daresay promoted ideologies) then there simply isn't a further left to go. Being liberal has become the status quo, and if you don't want to be status quo compared to your peers and society in general, you have no choice but to shift right.
This is precisely why I say todays liberals are tomorrows conservative, and today's conservative is tomorrow's liberal.
Show me an actual case - not something likely shadow written by a 35 YO incel - and I will be quite empathetic. Why are you guys so drawn to the victimization stories?

females outnumbering males in colleges but also having access to exclusive scholarships and other opportunities.
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females outnumbering males in colleges but also having access to exclusive scholarships and other opportunities.
You sure about that?

You sure about that?

The thumbnail to your article supports the first part of Harry’s post, and nothing in the article refutes the second part. Now, go ahead and hit the laugh button, baizuoallen.
This entire ‘white men are victims’ movement is both comical and sad. And we thought millennials were the snowflakes.

Depends on if you want 2 White Cops killed for every Black Man killed by Cops of if you want 2 Black Cops killed for every Black Man killed by Cops.
I am guessing its the former not the latter so you prove OP's point.
The thumbnail to your article supports the first part of Harry’s post, and nothing in the article refutes the second part. Now, go ahead and hit the laugh button, baizuoallen.

he just googled something. The numbers back up what I say but some liberal arts colleges mentioned may or may not have some trends in acceptance rates since women are dominating their enrollment after decades of female privilege. Pathetic attempt, probably should have dodged this one too.
A few bullet points

women in leadership often leads to chronic dissension in the workplace

girls in scounting have quickly gotten into leadership

They volunteer for everything and lead many of the boys around like puppy dogs

Adult leadership caters to the girls.

When I was in HS boys dominated the classrooms and more boys went to college .

Sometime after I left school there was a conscious effort to change that and today we see the results as listed in the article

The only way to achieve that was to villainize masculinity while openly catering to the girls

MGTOW seems to be a thing among the younger men. And marriage has been ruined for a lot of the male species in the west.
I’ve worked in three roles with a wom@n in leadership. A total disaster every time. Never again.
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I’ve worked in three roles with a wom@n in leadership. A total disaster every time. Never again.
Fortunately, we don’t really have this problem in the legal profession. Female attorneys tend to get married/pregnant and leave the profession, or pursue a part-time practice on a non partnership track. And those that don’t go hang out a shingle where they can stew in their own bitterness while specializing in sexual deviant law, or some other woke practice area.
The normal response for any red-blooded male (irregardless of race) is to get into “alt-right” (whatever that means) stuff when they realize the absurdity of “woke” nonsense.
he just googled something. The numbers back up what I say but some liberal arts colleges mentioned may or may not have some trends in acceptance rates since women are dominating their enrollment after decades of female privilege. Pathetic attempt, probably should have dodged this one too.
Why don't you have faith in market economics?
  • Haha
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