alternatives you have used for toilet paper?

This thread could be golden if people will fess up and admit. I'll join in...

Coffee Filters.
That's brilliant.

Used a variety of wide leaves one time on the top of a cliff about 8 miles from a bathroom. The B&B lady making breakfast that day neglected to mention that she'd hammered her pancakes with laxatives instead of baking soda.
Leaves, feed sack, boxers, shirt, my hand and water (aquadump)
I used pages from a textbook to roll a doobie as a teen. Didn't work well and had no idea what I was doing anyway.
We ran out of papers when I was a teen and couldn't find a brownie mix. Finally a buddy came up with the bright idea of mac and cheese. It was horrible at first but eventually got stoned out of our minds. Coincidentally solved the munchies problem at the same time.

Oh, on to the original question -- a hand towell. Take that Mangino!
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So my buddy tells this story about him and a friend as kids and I had to share here. So they would terrorize this new construction housing development. Keep in mind they are in middle school. So they go over to make a mess for the hard working construction guys. Well I guess my buddies friend decides he going to shit in a tub. So my buddy leaves the room to let him and when he comes back he sees the turd and a bunch of insulation. He ask his friend what is up with the insulation. Well the guy wiped his ass with it insulation side to butt hole. I bet those guys were pissed when they got there Monday morning to find a turd in the tub but if they knew the kid had wiped with insulation it might have made the clean up a little less demeaning.
Had McDonald's prior to a golf game. About the 11th hole, an uncontrollable urge to evacuate my bowels came over me and I knew I was not going to make it to the comfort station on the 14th hole. Fortunately, I always have two golf towels with me and as we were waiting to tee off on the 11th (a par three) I headed off into the woods with my extra towel. Although I was in a wooded area, a paved walking path was built next to the course that came within about 20 yards of the tee box. Lucky for me, I had just discarded the towel and was pulling up my shorts when a mom and kid came by on the walking trail. They might not have seen what I was up to, but if they were downwind, they might have figured out why I was in the woods.
I used squat fan buddies' ou towel once.

Also, I turned off the water to my toilet and drained it, and affixed an ou sticker near the suck hole for a turd target back when I was a bachelor.