Alleged ISIS Member Who Planned To Kill GWB Arrested


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Maybe Democrats should look at the policies they support to keep things like this from happening.
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Probably the best way to prevent this is to allow GWB to have his day in court at the Hague.
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Interesting comments so far. No concern shown for a terrorist planning an assassination attempt on a former US President. No second guessing the Democrat open border policy. No concern over the slower than molasses immigration court process. But hey we do see how they always jump to laying blame on others and have no regard for anyone in the opposing political party.
Interesting comments so far. No concern shown for a terrorist planning an assassination attempt on a former US President. No second guessing the Democrat open border policy. No concern over the slower than molasses immigration court process. But hey we do see how they always jump to laying blame on others and have no regard for anyone in the opposing political party.

What political party was in the White House and held the Senate majority…from January 2017 until and beyond the moment he arrived in the United States?

Carry on
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At least you didn't try to deny reality this time, ToonTard. That's a baby step forward.

***blames Democrats for immigration issues Republicans had 2 full years of White House/Congressional/Senate control to fire off executive orders and legislation and didn’t get it done - just like healthcare, just like infrastructure, just like education…et cetera…et cetera…et cetera...***

carry on
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***voted for the guy who, until the press crawled up his fat ass, employed undocumented workers…who paid more in taxes than he did***

carry on
Also do you want a gold star for paying taxes and not being smart enough to keep the money you earned? You are a child. Rich people pay those who understand tax laws not dipshit titty milk drinkers.
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What political party was in the White House and held the Senate majority…from January 2017 until and beyond the moment he arrived in the United States?

Carry on
I will say you will carry the water for Democrats at every turn. Yes Trump was President in 2020, yet Democrats have been in charge during the time his asylum hearing should have taken place. Strangely enough he hasn't had that hearing but hey you keep doing you.
***blames Democrats for immigration issues Republicans had 2 full years of White House/Congressional/Senate control to fire off executive orders and legislation and didn’t get it done - just like healthcare, just like infrastructure, just like education…et cetera…et cetera…et cetera...***

carry on
Little problem with that "senate control" thing. How successful has your beloved Brandon been in getting his legislation through the Senate? Chew on that for a while and get back to me.
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Clearly not enough to “Make America Great Again” enough to fix U.S. Customs screening protocols in more than 3 1/2 years’ time (September 2020) when he arrived…

carry on

according to the constitution, what was their best play to get that done and what should they have done?

you are the person who said illegals are safer because they commit less crimes percentage wise than natives. When I pointed out any increase in illegals is an increase in crime you stopped interacting,
Little problem with that "senate control" thing. How successful has your beloved Brandon been in getting his legislation through the Senate? Chew on that for a while and get back to me.

How did they pass the tax cut bill???

“ChEw On ThaT FoR A WhiLe…”

carry on

Why don't you tell me, ToonTard. How did they pass it?

Google is your friend…or DuckDuckGo…whatever floats your fancy…

Carry on

So you have no clue.

Search "reconciliation," dumbass.

Yes…I had “nO ClUe” about reconciliation before I proposed an obviously-rhetorical-to-anyone-but-yourself question of Republicans’ passage of Trump tax cuts…

Flailey gon flail

Carry on
Bwaaaaahahahahahahahaha!!! You are a window licking ToonTard. That wasn't a rhetorical question. It was your usual flailure attempt to score a gotcha. You shouldn't do that if you have no idea wtf you're talking about. This is why the collective board uses you to wipe our feet.
Yup…..he’s truly lost it, folks…TDS (Toon Derangement Syndrome) has eaten him into dementia lol…and he’s got friends hahahahaha…

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Clearly not enough to “Make America Great Again” enough to fix U.S. Customs screening protocols in more than 3 1/2 years’ time (September 2020) when he arrived…

carry on

How is that "Build Back Better" going so far? Emergency Baby Formula being flown in from other Countries, Record Gas Prices daily, Higher Grocery Prices, Open Border, War with Russia etc etc etc.


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Yup…..he’s truly lost it, folks…TDS (Toon Derangement Syndrome) has eaten him into dementia lol…and he’s got friends hahahahaha…

Oh my. You got called out for your breathtaking stupidity and this is your response? So infantile. Things make a lot more sense now. You have the brainpower/emotional maturity of a toddler.

Let me close the loop for you, ToonTard...

Tax bill passed via budget reconciliation, just like your beloved Brandon's "American Rescue Plan."

Immigration bills can't be passed by budget reconciliation.

Now you know, Big Slow. Hopefully we've knocked off one of your little nuggets of stupidity.
  • Haha
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