@AC2017 Since this "must" be addressed, I will give it a go.
I can only speak for myself, but I am all in favor of an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. If they were trading political favors, in order to get rich, that is not OK, and should be investigated. Does that mean the Clintons should go to jail? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know enough about the law, or what they actually did to have an opinion.
As far as Podesta goes, I don't know a lot about him or what he has done. I wasn't following politics closely prior the 2016 election. I do think he is a slimeball politician, who likely did things he should not have. But, there are a lot of those individuals in this country. As far as him receiving Russian money, I don't know enough about it to have an opinion. I would have to do some research to form one, and am not inclined to spend that time at this point. He is yesterday's news. If an investigation into his activities opens up, then I will jump in. Otherwise, it is a waste of my time, and I will assume that he is either a slimeball who got away with things, or a guy who wasn't as bad as the Anti-Clintons are making him out to be.
As to Clinton selling Uranium to Putin. I think that is not an accurate portrayal of what actually happened. Not that she wasn't involved in those deals. Just that her involvement is being vastly overstated. It is pretty clear that Putin hates her, which doesn't jibe with the two of them being the two key players in that deal. The explanations I have read, of the details of those deals make it pretty clear that it is not what some conservative publications are making it out to be.
As to the last point. I have clearly stated, many times, that I would not be surprised if Trump is squeaky clean when it comes to "some Russian connection". But, that doesn't mean that key figures, in his campaign, can say the same thing. I think
@GunsOfFrankEaton sees this investigation as clearly being focused on DJT and an attempt to impeach/convict him. I don't see it as that at all. I see an investigation focused on multiple individuals, connected to Trump, and on Russian involvement in our election. It may eventually lead to DJT, but I don't think we should be pointing the finger at him just yet. There are some red flags with some of the other parties....enough to warrant an investigation, but I think it is premature to accuse POTUS of being part of the (possible) plot and guilty of wrongdoing.
To sum up. This investigation is its own animal. An investigation into the Clinton Foundation would be a different animal. Same with Podesta and Uranium. I am not advocating for those issues to be ignored. I'm just not focused on them at this moment.