AfD Politician Convicted for publishing government statistics on Immigrant Gang Rapes


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
Folks, The Globalists are working across the planet to destroy the concept of Citizen and moral societies.

AfD represents ~25% of Germans, yet it is being considered to make the party illegal. Seems if you want your daughters, wives, sisters, mothers to be safe you're probably a Nazi.

In 2023, there were 419,000 Afghans residing in Germany, 380,425 of whom were Afghan citizens. At the end of 2013, and seven years prior to the Taliban takeover of the country — the total number of Afghans in Germany stood at just under 67,000.

Figures released by the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany (BKA) in 2022 revealed that a total of 677 gang rapes were recorded in 2021, up from 300 in 2018. Although non-German citizens comprise just 13.7 per cent of the country’s total population, they were suspects in exactly half of those cases.

Keep them in leftist shitholes and they can only rape those that support the rapist being there. Maybe after the dumbass leftist expereince enough rape and violence they will start to get it. Or maybe that's what leftist enjoy, who know but keep that shit out of conservative areas.
People wonder why we see these issues with Islamic "refugees". What are the systemic causes?
1) Islam is a de-evolution back to a Feudal Theocracy societal structure
2) Having multiple wives leaves many men without wives

By supporting the wealthy to have multiple wives, it predisposes poorer less intelligent men to take on their Feudal Theocratic leaders' military expansion campaigns in order to possibly capture a woman.

It's rather quite barbaric when you look at their societal structure. Then the "Progressives" openly invite these thugs into Western societies.

What's scary is the Globalists' motivations to subject German women to Islamic thugs. Same has gone on in EVERY European country. It's a concerted effort to destroy western civilization.

Hell, they burned in 2019 Notre-Dame Cathedral built in 1163.

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