Adam Schiff

Anything at all negative about Trump in the Mueller report, even if unsubstantiated he will make a BFD out of it. Anything released from the dossier he will get behind hook, line, and sinker. It will be make a mountain out of a mole hill. If it is one single word he will die on the cross over it. He and his Dem house buddies are better suited to make legal arguments than all of those lawyers, FBI agents, and Mueller that investigated this.

He is going to get much more embarrassing, he knows no limits in terms of spins and lies.

Schiff is right up there with AOC in terms of the stupidity that comes from his mouth.
It' simply amazing how idiots like Schiff will point to the Trump Tower meeting, setting up communication channels and making fun of Hillary by hilariously asking Russia in a public setting if they could produce Hillary's 33,000 deleted E-mails they hacked as proof of Russian collusion. All while the same idiots ignore 145 million dollars in shady donations from Russians connected to the Uranium One Deal and the fact the so called Trump dossier was nothing but Russian/Ukrainian lies compiled by a foreign national in an effort to destroy Trump. I'm sorry Democrats but IMO your concerns are nothing more than political theater and you should be ridiculed for presenting them.
Retarded and malicious.

Brad's on the all-fulmination team.

You guys are mentally losing it, every day that goes by you slip a little more, the mind degrading and transforming into a mass of mushrooms, fed by shit and kept in the dark .

It' simply amazing how idiots like Schiff will point to the Trump Tower meeting, setting up communication channels and making fun of Hillary by hilariously asking Russia in a public setting if they could produce Hillary's 33,000 deleted E-mails they hacked as proof of Russian collusion. All while the same idiots ignore 145 million dollars in shady donations from Russians connected to the Uranium One Deal and the fact the so called Trump dossier was nothing but Russian/Ukrainian lies compiled by a foreign national in an effort to destroy Trump. I'm sorry Democrats but IMO your concerns are nothing more than political theater and you should be ridiculed for presenting them.

And like clockwork, the biosphere of bullshit and darkness produces another spore.
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Brad's on the all-fulmination team.

And like clockwork, the biosphere of bullshit and darkness produces another spore.

Obama administration gives Russia 20% of the nations uranium reserves and Democrat supporters are unconcerned. Trump brow beats UN members for not living up to their promises, resulting in these same countries increasing their required contributions and Democrats say Trump is benefitting the Russians. SMFH, how dishonest can the left be?
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You guys are mentally losing it, every day that goes by you slip a little more, the mind degrading and transforming into a mass of mushrooms, fed by shit and kept in the dark .
You sure waist a lot of energy fighting a losing battle. If you could take that energy and focus it on making a difference in this world you’d probably be a lot happier.
You guys are mentally losing it, every day that goes by you slip a little more, the mind degrading and transforming into a mass of mushrooms, fed by shit and kept in the dark .

Here's Schiff speaking with two Russian pranksters thinking he was getting dirt from Russian KGB agents on Trump. He was reeled in hook, line and sinker. Talk about collusion with Russians. They promised him naked pictures of Trump which he undoubtedly wanted for his late night enjoyment.!
Adam Schiff... L-O-L