Acosta crying about not being loved


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

What an absolute wussy! I finally get it....if you were in Denver watching the ex-rodent in chief stand between the columns promising he would stop the rise of the oceans and his administration would be “the most transparent ever,” then you were in America. But if you call cnn reporters out for years of unadulterated support of all things liberal, well then of course it feels like you’re no longer in America.

Hey Jim, here’s an idea....stop sucking up to the left and being a liberal sycophant! Instead report the news as news without regard to “D” or “R” and you’ll be treated better.
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How the fuk does he keep a straight face?

He works at Resistance HQ, that constantly advocates sub human treatment of Trumps administration and supporters.

Libs still don't know whose driving the conversation. Trumps tweets are responses to the bullshit they drive, not the other way around.
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I hope he keeps doing his thing.

I find it very ironic that the most dedicated networks to bring Trump down, CNN, MSNBC and msm like NYT, WP do more to energize Trump supporters than anything Trump can do.

The economy, unemployment, immigration Trump is killing it and it is literally driving them insane. The more they ignore the good news and double down on collusion and now obstruction because collusion wasn't working out so well, the more motived Trump supporters become.

They got it wrong in 16 and they will get it wrong in 18.