About to witness the poetry and ugliness of karma


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
The Donald is screaming "FRAUD!" in Iowa and one basis is the disparity between polling and his actual campaign outcome.

A couple options explain this:

1. The Bradley effect reversed and on steroids; and/or

2. Iowa isn't a predictor of anything given the caucus setup. I might say one thing on Thursday in a phone poll, but 4 days later, after a couple hours with friends, enemies, debates and good times at a caucus and that old Thursday opinion is out the window.

We may just see an unprecedented reverse Bradley effect unfold over the next couple months that is really entertaining and a very public end to his political career. After his boasts, taunts about losing, arrogance and bravado, if it turns out that nobody is ever electing him to shit then the questions and jibes about losing all the time will send him over the edge.
Agreed. I'm not a Trump fan. He's too much like a WWE character to be President. I have enjoyed watching him step all over the Republican party though.

syskatine, what are your thoughts on Bernie challenging the Iowa results, if he decides to?
The Donald is screaming "FRAUD!" in Iowa and one basis is the disparity between polling and his actual campaign outcome.

A couple options explain this:

1. The Bradley effect reversed and on steroids; and/or

2. Iowa isn't a predictor of anything given the caucus setup. I might say one thing on Thursday in a phone poll, but 4 days later, after a couple hours with friends, enemies, debates and good times at a caucus and that old Thursday opinion is out the window.

We may just see an unprecedented reverse Bradley effect unfold over the next couple months that is really entertaining and a very public end to his political career. After his boasts, taunts about losing, arrogance and bravado, if it turns out that nobody is ever electing him to shit then the questions and jibes about losing all the time will send him over the edge.

Possible evidence???:
I get almost half making up their mind at the ballot box but polls showing discontent with the Republican Party and the federal government would seem to point to siding with Trump right?

Appears to have worked out that way. I noticed that after I posted. 34% was the high end of his predicted range.
Sanders big win last night is kind of meaningless, imo. HRC will still pound him in other states.

Kasich is making things more interesting though.
At this point, hell if I know. I said 8 or 9 months ago that it would be Cruz or Rubio. I still think they are in the mix. But, I've got to concede that Trump has a shot at it.

Last night's showing hurt Rubio a little. He's going to need to do something to turn things around. He doesn't appear to be all that well positioned in SC to do so.
Why are the lower rung idiot GOP candidates going after 3rd and 4th place candidates like Rubio?

Trump is the leader.

That slick drive by shooting that Christie engineered did nothing for him but did hurt Rubio.

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