A Two Hour Debate

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Between Glenn Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz. Anybody really interested in the subject (here’s looking at you, Bearcat) ought to watch.

Dershowitz starts by explaining the need for “preventive attack” (as compared to a preemptive attack) and says had France and Britain preventively attacked Germany in the mid-1930’s while it was building up its arms the Second World War and the Holocaust never would have happened. Therefore it is vital for the US to target bomb Iran’s potential nuclear capability in a preventive attack to save Israel (and the rest of the world) from annihilation. Good point.

My question for the good Professor (in whom I have deep admiration): had France and Britain preventively attacked Germany in the mid-1930’s so there was no WW2, no Holocaust, would there exist a state of Israel today?

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