Many of those arguments have appeared on this board.
I don’t claim to be an expert on anything especially this, but I damn sure wouldn’t want to be on this guys side of anything.
Ironic isn't it. Boudreaux and Krugman on the same side of an issue. One of things that should give all of us pause.I don’t claim to be an expert on anything especially this, but I damn sure wouldn’t want to be on this guys side of anything.
I don’t claim to be an expert on anything especially this, but I damn sure wouldn’t want to be on this guys side of anything.
What about all the Republicans who think Trump tariffs are garbage? Are they wrong too? As Paul Ryan said...unintended consequences.
What about all the Republicans who think Trump tariffs are garbage? Are they wrong too? As Paul Ryan said...unintended consequences.
What about all the Republicans who think Trump tariffs are garbage? Are they wrong too? As Paul Ryan said...unintended consequences.
It is my understand from reading the works of economists in whom I hold in high regard that the Paul Krugman that won the Nobel Prize was a fine economist, notwithstanding he is a Keynesian. The problem as they see it is he parlayed the Prize into becoming a celebrity, and with his NY Times gig he became a partisan and is no longer viewed as a serious economist. I'm sure the Keynesians will howl in protest over this depiction of him. However, on this issue he is absolutely correct. All tariffs, no matter how "targeted," no matter how benign they appear, are harmful to an economy. Tariffs are taxes on consumers. Every penny spent on the tariffs that the American public has to fork over is a penny that cannot be spent on other products. The negative consequences are widely dispersed over millions of people, so the damage done to the economy is not seen by the public. That a can of soup cost 5 cents more is not noticed, and is defended by the protectionists thusly. But when you factor that millions of cans of soup are sold every month that 5 cents/can adds up. Will it crush the economy on its own? Of course not. But that loss of money will be felt in some other sector of the economy, and no one will know why. Maybe some guy that manufactures bicycle spokes will have to close shop. Maybe a local donut shop will have to let an employee go, and no one will understand the rise in the cost of soup had anything to do with it. What's the saying? Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. In this instance Krugman hits the nail on the head.No clue but what hansolo said, republicans are garbage.
I do know for a fact Paul krugman is one disposable human being and doesn’t know jack about a trumpconomy. Trademarked.
Great point.I’ll raise you by 1 million.
There are few things more delicious than watching celebrated “leftists” championing trade policies written by multinational corporations, for multinational corporations.
It seems like only yesterday that leftists were leading Occupy Wall Street (protesting unaccountable corporations), rioting against the WTO in Seattle, and supporting local businesses (lower carbon footprint).
How quickly we forget...
Here's another thought I had, and I'm curious how people on this board will respond. Trump and his team instisted there would be no exceptions to the steel/aluminum tariffs, it would be across the board. They pretty much held fast to that claim right up to the very end. Their reasons for the tariffs, they said, was to protect American factory jobs. Trump is the defender of the working man, and the steel jobs were so important that the tariffs would apply across the board. At the end he relented and excused Canada and Mexico from the tariffs, because he had pressured them into renegotiating NAFTA. Am I correctly understanding the argument he makes? So is it safe to say he threw the steel workers under the bus?
you are correct - as i told you among others - that the tariffs would be modified and that it was being used primarily as a powerful negotiating tool, but as to throwing them under the bus? nah.
You recognized that it was all just a negotiating ploy, good for you! Do you suppose the Pennsylvania union steel workers understood they were just a prop? If they had bought into Trump's insistence that he was it for their sake, for their job security, what do you suppose they are thinking now? The steel workers' jobs are in the same jeopardy they were in a month ago, wouldn't you agree? What would you be thinking if you were one of them?you are correct - as i told you among others - that the tariffs would be modified and that it was being used primarily as a powerful negotiating tool, but as to throwing them under the bus? nah.
So you’re willing to sacrifice many other industries for one. Brilliant...that’s a truly historical #winning philosophy. Oh isn’t.
You recognized that it was all just a negotiating ploy, good for you! Do you suppose the Pennsylvania union steel workers understood they were just a prop? If they had bought into Trump's insistence that he was it for their sake, for their job security, what do you suppose they are thinking now? The steel workers' jobs are in the same jeopardy they were in a month ago, wouldn't you agree? What would you be thinking if you were one of them?
i'm willing not to believe you know wtf you are talking about when it comes to economy. nor do your commie sources.
so now, a week later, you are flipping on exactly what the problem is you are bitching about? is it the tariffs or the jobs?
Triggered, can’t stand the #facts when they’re not in your corner (usual case lol), resorts to identity politics calling sources such as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel commies haha.
Carry on.
milwaukee journal sentinel was your source for what again? i don't usually read your full posts.
Has anyone that's bitching brokered a deal? How's the hell do you guys do it? I wrong foot the hell out of the other party to cause movement, then start dealing, on my terms. That's all that's going down. I'd love to play cards with some of you stiffs.
No shit Sherlock lol.....
“The nation’s largest trade group for the construction industry says nearly 30,000 jobs could be lost in the building trades from the steel and aluminum tariffs President Donald Trump is imposing.
Associated General Contractors of America says rising steel and aluminum prices will make some construction projects unaffordable and, as a result, thousands of jobs tied to those projects will be jeopardized.”
What you call “bitching” many reasonable people would call exposing bad ideas for what they are haha.
Carry on.
You lost me with that one. What are you thinking I’m flipping on? I have been opposed to the tariffs because they will be bad for consumers. I haven’t deviated from that. I’m pointing out that Trump and his team insisted the tariffs would not be targeted because he wanted to protect jobs. Then he targeted the tariffs. So my question is: what happens to the jobs he was going to protect? It looks to me like he either turned his back on the workers he claimed to be protecting, or, as you seemed to understand from the beginning, he was lying to the steel workers, he always intended to target the tariffs because what he was really doing was setting the table for NAFTA negotiations. The steel workers were just a hook to suck in the other companies to negotiate. The steel workers were not important to him at all. If you were a steel worker who had hung your hat on his claim to protect your job by not targeting the tariffs how would you feel about it today? Again, I’m not clear on what you think I flipped now, a week later, you are flipping on exactly what the problem is you are bitching about? is it the tariffs or the jobs?
milwaukee journal sentinel was your source
You’re making a job report post pre-tariffs to try to make a point that tariffs are #winning. Lol...unreal. As if this has any relevance to outcomes post-tariffs. Solid haha