I'm sorry you feel that way. Barnett was tasked with writing a 1000 word essay in defense of Kavanaugh's confirmation. He wrote it under the concept of "judicial philosophy," a subject we had talked about a couple of days ago. I found his argument to be thoughtful, cogent and reasonable. I believe the point of the essay was to encourage those with a differing view to express their view in as thoughtful a manner as him. He was not responsible to present their argument for them. He was starting a dialog.
I did not expect you to agree with him. I did, however, think you would find it of interest. Obviously I was in error!
For the record I hold him in the highest regard, but that does not mean I agree with him as it pertains to Kavanaugh's confirmation. I think I've made it pretty clear that I am opposed to confirmation. That doesn't mean I can't listen to what he wrote with an open mind, find some parts I agree with and some that I don't. I thought it was possible you might do the same. Apparently I wasted your time.