My son, Brian Phillips, is a writer, essayist and journalist. His first book of essays will be released this October. Starting today the book can be preordered on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, along with other sites. The title is “Impossible Owls,” a title which completely mystifies me, but that’s the title he chose, so I won’t criticize. Some of the essays come from his days writing about sports for the ESPN website, Grantland, now defunct. If you read any of the sports threads on this site you may recognize him as the guy who identified and named “Squinky.” A couple of the essays come from his days as a senior writer for MTV. And some of the essays are new for the book. I want to emphasize that none of the essays are political, so no matter who you are you should enjoy what he writes. He is an incredibly talented writer. He writes long form essays that can run up to 30,000 words. The paperback book is $15.00. If he sells enough copies of this book he will be offered a second book deal that could be quite lucrative for him. So, I’m asking - nay, I’m BEGGING! - each and every one of you to buy his book!
Amazon product ASIN 0374175330
Amazon product ASIN 0374175330