I read it. And after reading it I would say that knowing that you accept it as unvarnished objective reporting, and knowing that is the only type of rhetoric or opinion you embrace as reality it becomes abundantly clear why you post on this board with such unyielding stubbornness. You exhibit one trait that has routinely baffled me, this notion that any opinion that does not comport with rabid progressive thinking can mean only one thing, it comes from the hated right wing. And the right wing can never be correct about anything. It is clear that articles like this have thoroughly infected you with this attitude.
I’ll give one example of the muddy thinking this author utilizes. By not defining what conservative thought represents he gets to label anyone with whom he disagrees as a conservative. He calls Donald Trump a conservative, which is utterly laughable. Trump is a mercantilist and a nationalist, sort of a soft-core fascist. Soft core. Most decidedly not a 1930’s style authoritarian. And definitely not conservative!
But you apparently eat that stuff up, let it absorb into your pores. This article, this criticism could have been so good, but there’s not an ounce of objectivity in it. Every word, the whole language used is devised to create intolerance and deflect anyone from believing there could ever be a disagreement that would be based on logical, individualist thought.
I thank you for posting this. I have never before had such a clear understanding of why you behave the way you do.