My father in law, a life long Gooner fan but none the less a good man, suffered a massive stroke this past week and is not likely to survive the coming week. I post this in tribute to a life well-lived, to doing the right thing even when it is hard and in recognition of someone who was not only my father in law but a friend as well.
A couple of tequilas in tonight, but have to take a moment to thank Bob for raising a couple of incredible, strong, and smart women.
When the oil bust of the '80s hit - Bob opted to stick with the purchase agreement for the small town jewelry store he bought from his in-laws rather than try and renegotiate the contract and threaten their retirement. Smart? Not all. Compassionate and the mark of a man determined to keep his word? Hell yes.
We were fortunate enough to have him spend time with us in August - two weeks my kids, my wife and I will treasure.
@pordrumr, @jpa5635, @LouKY Poke - you know the man I speak of. The world will be a lesser place with his passing. I can only hope for a peaceful journey for a man I respect and love this much.
A couple of tequilas in tonight, but have to take a moment to thank Bob for raising a couple of incredible, strong, and smart women.
When the oil bust of the '80s hit - Bob opted to stick with the purchase agreement for the small town jewelry store he bought from his in-laws rather than try and renegotiate the contract and threaten their retirement. Smart? Not all. Compassionate and the mark of a man determined to keep his word? Hell yes.
We were fortunate enough to have him spend time with us in August - two weeks my kids, my wife and I will treasure.
@pordrumr, @jpa5635, @LouKY Poke - you know the man I speak of. The world will be a lesser place with his passing. I can only hope for a peaceful journey for a man I respect and love this much.