She has always been a bit of a dim bulb.Murkowski begged Trump to open ANWR for drilling to help her state. Yet, she's willing to vote against Kavanaugh and keep the SCOTUS at a 4-4 split which let's decisions by the 9th Circus Court of Appeals continue to screw the citizens of her state.
She has always been a bit of a dim bulb.
Murkowski begged Trump to open ANWR for drilling to help her state. Yet, she's willing to vote against Kavanaugh and keep the SCOTUS at a 4-4 split which let's decisions by the 9th Circus Court of Appeals continue to screw the citizens of her state.
At least she didn't hide behind the allegations. She stated that she was against him due to specific votes and policies she thought were not favorable to her state. That is a fair criticism and a valid reason to vote no against an SCJ. I don't agree with her position, but its a valid position.