A Good Example of the Problems with Title IX

Yikes. I bet jimmybob would love to have a line by line account of one of his infamous nights in Stillwater broken down before a committee.
Yikes. I bet jimmybob would love to have a line by line account of one of his infamous nights in Stillwater broken down before a committee.

Uh, I don't recall any TIT-el IX, committees, or hypersensitive f'king snowflakes running the show. Consensual back then actually meant consensual and was defined as whomever tripped whom got to be on top............:eek:
Not surprising. It isn't about actual victims, just the anti-male process. As long as some guy gets kicked in the nuts, they'll make up the rest to justify it. Lefty politics at their finest.
It'll well prepare "John" for a future experience in the family law court system when he gets raped by the divorce industry.

Comparable in that both "courts" are heavily stacked against men.
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