6 questions about the hacking report

Assume for the moment everything in the report is factual.

Since it was widely believed that Hildebitch was a shoe-in to win the election with the GOP candidate having little to no chance to win, then why would Russia give Wikileaks a treasure trove of information which they could use to blackmail and extort "President" Clinton and thereby the US?

It doesn't pass the smell test.
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Assume for the moment everything in the report is factual.

Since it was widely believed that Hildebitch was a shoe-in to win the election with the GOP candidate having little to no chance to win, then why would Russia give Wikileaks a treasure trove of information which they could use to blackmail and extort "President" Clinton and thereby the US?

It doesn't pass the smell test.

Assume for the moment everything in the report is factual.

Since it was widely believed that Hildebitch was a shoe-in to win the election with the GOP candidate having little to no chance to win, then why would Russia give Wikileaks a treasure trove of information which they could use to blackmail and extort "President" Clinton and thereby the US?

It doesn't pass the smell test.

My assumption would be that they have all of her private "deleted" emails that nobody is talking about anymore. And I bet there's plenty to work with there.

If that's the case, releasing the Podesta and DNC emails - which dems said at the time were embarrassing but harmless - was just a demonstration of what they could do with her emails.

Again - assuming the report is technically factual which I assume it is.
My assumption would be that they have all of her private "deleted" emails that nobody is talking about anymore. And I bet there's plenty to work with there.
Maybe they're waiting until a new AG gets confirmed. Those email likely contain lots of juicy stuff especially about the Clinton Foundation. Assange said he has some powerful things to release in 2017.
So, Russia, China, Israel, the United States and certain western European countries constantly spy and hack one another? Who knew?
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