$57,000 raise for RNC grandson's new contract...

Sunburnt Indian

Heisman Candidate
Nov 7, 2001
Edge of the Comancheria
2 more years added to grandson's fun DC engagement. He's now in meetings with Shannon Bream and Brett Baiar of Fox News planning upcoming debates of some sort. Daughter couldn't provide details. Daughter tells me the female RNC Chair seems to really be pleased with grandson's performance. Grandson has been given added responsibility of debates.
Always great to see your children and grand children succeeding in life. Congrats.
I've been really lucky. Much more than I deserve. I have 2 of the greatest sons-in-law. One white and one half Mexicano. The white one is married to our white adopted daughter we got at 3 years of age. It's seems strange to love the adopted with the same vigor as the biological. The RNC grandson is biological and mixed race. The two white grandchildren seem destined for huge success. The 18 year old Margot Robbie likeness granddaughter quit cheerleeding before the 11th grade to concentrate on academics.

Tomorrow I hope to post picture of OU grad granddaughter and her pal Creed Humpfrey of OU and the Kansas City Chiefs. Today they wrap up a get togather in Las Vegas. Granddaughter should be back to OKC tomorrow. They're just college buddies. Creed ain't the most handsome.
I've been really lucky. Much more than I deserve. I have 2 of the greatest sons-in-law. One white and one half Mexicano. The white one is married to our white adopted daughter we got at 3 years of age. It's seems strange to love the adopted with the same vigor as the biological. The RNC grandson is biological and mixed race. The two white grandchildren seem destined for huge success. The 18 year old Margot Robbie likeness granddaughter quit cheerleeding before the 11th grade to concentrate on academics.

Tomorrow I hope to post picture of OU grad granddaughter and her pal Creed Humpfrey of OU and the Kansas City Chiefs. Today they wrap up a get togather in Las Vegas. Granddaughter should be back to OKC tomorrow. They're just college buddies. Creed ain't the most handsome.
Your children's success along with the grandkids will add years to your life my man. 👍
2 more years added to grandson's fun DC engagement. He's now in meetings with Shannon Bream and Brett Baiar of Fox News planning upcoming debates of some sort. Daughter couldn't provide details. Daughter tells me the female RNC Chair seems to really be pleased with grandson's performance. Grandson has been given added responsibility of debates.
Did he sign the loyalty pledge yet?

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