I'm starting to understand now why the OP chose New Zealand as his choice country to experience life in a foreign country. Way to step out on a limb there and try life outside the comfort zone of your standard white, English-speaking world. Decent looking chicks though.
The 44% stat is mean8ngless without us knowing how many of them speak english outside the home.
The 44% stat is mean8ngless without us knowing how many of them speak english outside the home.
I wonder how many 1st generation Italian/German/Vietnamese etc.-Americans spoke English in the home.
See below, for an idea.
How many first generation Italian/German/Vietnamese folk wanted California to be annexed by Italy/Germany/Vietnam?
Some of you are implying that I’m posting #Hate-Stats (or #Hate-Statistics) about California.
In less than two generations, California seems to have transformed itself from one of the world’s most innovative places (with one of the world’s highest qualities of life) — into a Latin American version of Brazil.
You do realize Texas has many citizens who also speak another language besides English at home, correct?
So are you claiming that if a state or region has individuals who speak a language other than English at home, this indicates regression in terms of innovation and quality of life?
But 2/3 of of our largest state’s (by population) high school students (the future) failing basic math aptitude — in addition to more than half failing basic English aptitude — is a bleak sign for a state with a brain drain and business drain.
I’ve already posted a lot of data to discuss.
Here’s what it was.
Re Texas, in 2015:
Re California, in 2017:
See below, for an idea.