24/7 Board Bedlam Tailgate

I wish to empower any of you to own this. I think it would go a long way to improve this board’s culture and lift our mood elevators.

As I’ve said before - I’ve met a good many people that post here already. I don’t think our leftist friends have the stones to show up. They’ll couch it in a way that will make it seem like they are above the unwashed or fearful of physical confrontation, but it will all come down to the fact they are afraid to be outed as the weird little unsuccessful sociopaths that they are.

That being said, I think it’s a great idea squeak.
since the curtain is lifted slightly, do you hosts mix in digs or props of team performances during the season or stick to the daily poli-buzz, only here ? (axeing for a friend)
Around 4-5 years ago I was having beers in Tulsa with Cowboy Up’s cousin and two other former members of this board. C’Up texted his cousin to say he was in the vicinity.

We told the cousin to tell Cowboy Up to stop in for a beer at the bar where we were, R Bar in Brookside and we would buy him a beer.

He declined, stating he was afraid we would beat him up or try to. True story.
I'm definitely in.....that will be after my last run to Australia for the year so all's good. I've met one person on the board personally and have talked to a number of others on the phone. Even with the libs, if we can all find something to toast to together then there would be something seriously wrong.
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since the curtain is lifted slightly, do you hosts mix in digs or props of team performances during the season or stick to the daily poli-buzz, only here ? (axeing for a friend)

In a weird way, getting too deep into sports would f*ck this place up. But as long as it's not too much bedlam flame bullshit, it's probably OK in small doses for guys who are regulars here.
Around 4-5 years ago I was having beers in Tulsa with Cowboy Up’s cousin and two other former members of this board. C’Up texted his cousin to say he was in the vicinity.

We told the cousin to tell Cowboy Up to stop in for a beer at the bar where we were, R Bar in Brookside and we would buy him a beer.

He declined, stating he was afraid we would beat him up or try to. True story.

Smart move
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Around 4-5 years ago I was having beers in Tulsa with Cowboy Up’s cousin and two other former members of this board. C’Up texted his cousin to say he was in the vicinity.

We told the cousin to tell Cowboy Up to stop in for a beer at the bar where we were, R Bar in Brookside and we would buy him a beer.

He declined, stating he was afraid we would beat him up or try to. True story.

Good Lord. That’s vagtastic
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In a weird way, getting too deep into sports would f*ck this place up. But as long as it's not too much bedlam flame bullshit, it's probably OK in small doses for guys who are regulars here.
Well, that's a distinct risk, however I think we're all mature enough to keep it light and festive...hopefully.
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It's only one game out of the season. I'm not gonna spoon with syska-pelt-toon or Clinton or Polka...
Syskatine , Pokeabear and Toonsback4morwinning when they were trying to spell out WOLD YOU PLEEZ WAX MY BALLS

My son is a high school senior this year and wants to attend the Bedlam football game. I’m going to try to make it happen. I will keep in touch on this as the time draws near.
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