18 year olds voting.....

There are a lot of 18 year olds perfectly responsible enough to make good decisions. There are plenty of idiots in every age group that couldn't tell you anything about local, state, or national government that get to vote.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This is why voting should require the successful completion of a simple test rather than age

This post was edited on 3/8 2:42 PM by Bitter Creek
Yep, and a net payer into the system. If you pay no federal income taxes, SS, or Medicare tax, yet receive EIC or other transfer payments, you shouldn't get to vote...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
In Scotland, they are thinking of lowering the age to 16. They actually think the young'uns with be interested to vote.
Originally posted by poke2001:
Yep, and a net payer into the system. If you pay no federal income taxes, SS, or Medicare tax, yet receive EIC or other transfer payments, you shouldn't get to vote...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Completely agree. The way it is currently set up it is like teenagers telling their parents how to spend money.
Ok well then I guess old people need to re-take the test also.

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