18 million bucks...

The first time I heard the phrase medical marijuana, I laughed my azz off.

Why not. We call hydrocodone a 'medical pain-killer', and we all know that its sales are as much from abuse than from legitimate pain resolution. Why the consternation when medical MJ gets the same treatment.
88 out of 100 is a little misleading as it includes refill prescriptions also. My wife counts as 12 per year and she refills hers monthly.
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You're going to have to help me because I'm not sure I can give a correct answer. Wouldn't pain and the treatment for it be part of the doctor/patient relationship? What does my definition matter?

opioids end up treating lots of emotional pain and life trauma

very naive to say “overwhelming” scrips are written for physical pain
88 out of 100 is a little misleading as it includes refill prescriptions also. My wife counts as 12 per year and she refills hers monthly.

Just the tip of the iceburg. The states have been padding the numbers like crazy gearing up for future lawsuits against the pharma companies.
Just the tip of the iceburg. The states have been padding the numbers like crazy gearing up for future lawsuits against the pharma companies.

The State of Oklahoma has also been reporting anyone who dies with an opiod in their system in the same bucket as overdoses. For example, if you pick up your buddy at the dentist after he got his wisdom teeth extracted and he died in a car crash with a very small amount of opioids in his system on the way home, OK is counting that in the drug related death category. so the graph in the link above is complete BS too.
The State of Oklahoma has also been reporting anyone who dies with an opiod in their system in the same bucket as overdoses. For example, if you pick up your buddy at the dentist after he got his wisdom teeth extracted and he died in a car crash with a very small amount of opioids in his system on the way home, OK is counting that in the drug related death category. so the graph in the link above is complete BS too.

Yikes you got a link for that?
Curiously, Drs. are evolving to accept pot as medicinal, primarily for chronic pain.
Since the DEA has weighed in with their formidable power, admonishing Drs. not to prescribe opiates to new patients, lest they lose their licenses, desperate to do something for the legit pain patients are urging them to give med. pot a go.
Funny, I lived in Texas in the 60s when one could get 2 years to life for simple posession. Wow, times, they be changing.
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Comes straight from the mouth of the person responsible OK ME during a meeting on fixing SB1446. He was asked that specific example and he said yes.

I wonder if the lawyers that represented the clients that just lost that giant lawsuit to Oklahoma knew that.
Lost giant lawsuit? They settled and Oklahoma got pennies on the dollar. Other states are laughing at how little Oklahoma settled for.
Can only speak for myself but I routinely get a prescription for hydrocodone with each medical procedure involving cutting into my body (major or minor although I consider any slicing into me as major). I tell the MD that I have plenty of that stuff already but there is a bottle waiting for me on discharge. I have two full bottles (30 pills each) in my cabinet which I've never used. Tylenol 650 mg has always relieved any pain.

From my perspective I think it's over prescribed.
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Can only speak for myself but I routinely get a prescription for hydrocodone with each medical procedure involving cutting into my body (major or minor although I consider any slicing into me as major). I tell the MD that I have plenty of that stuff already but there is a bottle waiting for me on discharge. I have two full bottles (30 pills each) in my cabinet which I've never used. Tylenol 650 mg has always relieved any pain.

From my perspective I think it's over prescribed.
It most definitely is.
Can only speak for myself but I routinely get a prescription for hydrocodone with each medical procedure involving cutting into my body (major or minor although I consider any slicing into me as major). I tell the MD that I have plenty of that stuff already but there is a bottle waiting for me on discharge. I have two full bottles (30 pills each) in my cabinet which I've never used. Tylenol 650 mg has always relieved any pain.

From my perspective I think it's over prescribed.

you are a freak

anecdotal stories no good

gotta have empirical evidence
I'll play. How big if of problem is it? I want empirical evidence.

A US citizen is more likely to die from an opioid overdose than from being in a car wreck.

I would guess that more of us ride in cars than use opioids, which amplifies the stat even more.
It saddens me that Governor Abbott hasn't come around on legalizing medical MJ and gambling (especially in the Daily Fantasy sports realm) in Texas. One day I hope...
Look at the revenue being lost to the surrounding states from gambling. Lt. Gov. deep-sixed some of the MJ bills.

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