14 signs of fascism at the holocaust museum

  • Powerful and continuing nationalism
  • Disdain for human rights
  • Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
  • Supremacy of the military
  • Rampant sexism
  • Controlled mass media
  • Obsession with national security
  • Religion and government intertwined
  • Corporate power protected
  • Labor [sic] power suppressed
  • Disdain for intellectuals & the arts
  • Obsession with crime & punishment
  • Rampant cronyism & corruption
  • Fraudulent elections
  • Like
Reactions: Medic007
11 out of 14?!?!?!??! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!! I needed a good laugh. Thanks UK.
Depends on how you want to look at can twist this anyway you can argue the other side and spin play Devil's advocate with UK:
  • Powerful and continuing nationalism - Obama just had a different type of nationalism, had a different goal, immigration is just a way to criticize Trump, the liberals are just as selfish when it comes to their cause as the Reps
  • Disdain for human rights - Only human rights promoted under prior admin was for illegals and criminals...while abortion is considered a medical procedure....military does not step in overseas to prevent refugee crisis after crisis...relying instead on these poor refugees to flee their country and start over in the US or some other country..if they can even get there....not much of a life raft
  • Identification of enemies as a unifying cause - Seems Trump is a victim of this
  • Supremacy of the military - Obama weak on military, that was his flaw and just because Trump wants a strong military is proof of nothing
  • Rampant sexism - Liberals are defining what is sexism, the women's march clearly discriminated against a large segment of women....
  • Controlled mass media - Obama had complete control of the media - no criticism - mainstream media never grilled Obama like they did Trump
  • Obsession with national security - Obama's problem, frankly he was incompetent in this area, again Trump correcting mistakes makes him guilty of nothing
  • Religion and government intertwined - Liberals using religion to hide behind breaking the constitution...frankly Liberals seem more fascinated with Religion and its political impact right now
  • Corporate power protected - Wall Street loved Obama - They had cheap interest rates, moved all the manufacturing jobs overseas for cheap labor, and sent the profits back with no tax. They will get on board with Trump if he can lower taxes and lower the cost of doing business in the US and he continues to improve the business environment. Wall Street will like either side along as money can be made, but I bet Wall Street will prefer more jobs in the US with equal or better profits
  • Labor [sic] power suppressed - Labor in the US shipped overseas, manufacturing plants closed, union jobs dying in the US...Labor helped elect Trump
  • Disdain for intellectuals & the arts - Bet Trump owns more art and gone to more plays than Obama, in other words, he supports the Arts
  • Obsession with crime & punishment - Yes, Obama was obsessed, look at how many pardons he gave...another area we had weak Pres and Trump needs to fix
  • Rampant cronyism & corruption - Hillary, all that has to be said
  • Fraudulent elections - Liberals first to claim it, and even predicted Trump would not honor the election results, who is trying to over throw the results of the elections? Good news is, Trump investigating it.
Proves nothing either way....we have one party losing power and on life support and does not know what to do other than to get really nasty and try to shut down the government, and another party that had a chance to govern and failed prior to Obama and found someone that is getting something done and recognized the problems and tapped in to what was bothering a large chunk of Americans and the party is willing to get in line, battle lines have been drawn. Hopefully things get settled, the will of the people occurs, and no loss of life happens because of what party you are affiliated with.
  • Powerful and continuing nationalism
  • Disdain for human rights
  • Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
  • Supremacy of the military
  • Rampant sexism
  • Controlled mass media
  • Obsession with national security
  • Religion and government intertwined
  • Corporate power protected
  • Labor [sic] power suppressed
  • Disdain for intellectuals & the arts
  • Obsession with crime & punishment
  • Rampant cronyism & corruption
  • Fraudulent elections

Squint a little and you can apply half of those or so to any Republican or Democrat out there.

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