126 house representatives voted to lower the voting age to 16

Are we making 16 the age of adulthood officially in the US? If so, then I'll support this initiative. If not, then its moronic. But that means public schools shouldn't be mandatory after 10th grade, you are no longer considered a minor at 16, etc. Is that really where we want to go? Given the way the millenial generation has had trouble of exiting the family household even post High School (as demonstrated by ACA's acceptance of kids up to age 27 being accepted on a parent's medical plans) this seems counter to the direction society has been going.

BTW, R. Kelly supports this initiative as it would make at least half his "sex with a minor" charges disappear.
18, if it’s good enough for the military than it should be the base line for adulthood. I only think tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol should be 21. The brain has normally fully developed into an adults grey matter by that age.
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18, if it’s good enough for the military than it should be the base line for adulthood. I only think tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol should be 21. The brain has normally fully developed into an adults grey matter by that age.

I think they are saying 25 years for the brain regarding hippie lettuce now.
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Girls, parties and beer. That was me at 16 and I was a heck of a lot more mature and in touch than today’s techno slave zombies. Ridiculous.
House voted today to allow illegal immigrants the right to vote. No assurance the Senate will not go along.
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Why don't Democrats just come out with what they really mean, only Democrats can be in positions of power.
I don't see Republicans trying to change the rules in any way like Democrats. Today alone we have Democrats voting to allow non citizens of this country voting rights, voting to lower the voting age to 16 while previously supporting the idea of changing the electoral college along with leftist Presidential candidates wanting to do away with the 60 vote threshold for avoiding filibusters in the Senate. This after good Old Harry changed the rules merely requiring a majority to approve judge nominees. What I have seen is Republicans standing up for the rules and refusing to change them when they would benefit greatly from those changes. Now you can continue your foolishness if you wish but it's obvious Democrats are trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Personally I firmly believe we need a voice from all sides to have a government that is truly by the people. When one side has say over everything we no longer have a government by the people for the people we have a dictatorship of one party.
I don't see Republicans trying to change the rules in any way like Democrats. Today alone we have Democrats voting to allow non citizens of this country voting rights, voting to lower the voting age to 16 while previously supporting the idea of changing the electoral college along with leftist Presidential candidates wanting to do away with the 60 vote threshold for avoiding filibusters in the Senate. This after good Old Harry changed the rules merely requiring a majority to approve judge nominees. What I have seen is Republicans standing up for the rules and refusing to change them when they would benefit greatly from those changes. Now you can continue your foolishness if you wish but it's obvious Democrats are trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Personally I firmly believe we need a voice from all sides to have a government that is truly by the people. When one side has say over everything we no longer have a government by the people for the people we have a dictatorship of one party.

Don’t forget corrupt Eric holder floating the idea of packing the Supreme Court.
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I don't see Republicans trying to change the rules in any way like Democrats. Today alone we have Democrats voting to allow non citizens of this country voting rights, voting to lower the voting age to 16 while previously supporting the idea of changing the electoral college along with leftist Presidential candidates wanting to do away with the 60 vote threshold for avoiding filibusters in the Senate. This after good Old Harry changed the rules merely requiring a majority to approve judge nominees. What I have seen is Republicans standing up for the rules and refusing to change them when they would benefit greatly from those changes. Now you can continue your foolishness if you wish but it's obvious Democrats are trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Personally I firmly believe we need a voice from all sides to have a government that is truly by the people. When one side has say over everything we no longer have a government by the people for the people we have a dictatorship of one party.
This is what happens when you elect activists. This mindset started when the Community Organizer in Chief was elected. Organizers only care about their cause, however stupid and shallow it might be.
This is what happens when you elect activists. This mindset started when the Community Organizer in Chief was elected. Organizers only care about their cause, however stupid and shallow it might be.

What’s that like? How do they get there? It’s almost like a curse.
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