I don't see Republicans trying to change the rules in any way like Democrats. Today alone we have Democrats voting to allow non citizens of this country voting rights, voting to lower the voting age to 16 while previously supporting the idea of changing the electoral college along with leftist Presidential candidates wanting to do away with the 60 vote threshold for avoiding filibusters in the Senate. This after good Old Harry changed the rules merely requiring a majority to approve judge nominees. What I have seen is Republicans standing up for the rules and refusing to change them when they would benefit greatly from those changes. Now you can continue your foolishness if you wish but it's obvious Democrats are trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Personally I firmly believe we need a voice from all sides to have a government that is truly by the people. When one side has say over everything we no longer have a government by the people for the people we have a dictatorship of one party.