The whole world melts down. That many people have been raped in ou athletic dorms in 2017.
Idiot protestors are a much bigger threat to travel.Ice storm in this country impacts more travelers than that.
Screw those 109.....what's a little violation of civil rights matter?
We got to get this EO out today!
Hey now, don't Baylor us. 109 women punched in the face, 109 free cars, 109 no show jobs, 109 uzis, etc, I'm all in agreement.The whole world melts down. That many people have been raped in ou athletic dorms in 2017.
Drama queen. Fed judge stepped in, the system works. As will Trump's EO. No civil rights violated, they had a hearing and a Fed judge issued a stay, you should know better than to say that as a counsel.
It's about perspective and outrage jd. Zero protestors trying to save innocent blacks in inner cities. Only against police if I remember correctly. You know the people who actually dedicate their lives to save blacks??
This is about 150 on the list of injustices.
Cheerleader.... a fed judge issuing a TEMPORARY injunction....means nothing to and says nothing about the nature attitude of the executive agency that issued the unconstitutional order in the first place.
Not unconstitutional, you being a cheerleader. Bet you $500 right now if this makes it to the Supreme Court it will not be found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Ejecting green card holders or detaining green card holders without due process of law is unconstitutional.
Ejecting green card holders or detaining green card holders without due process of law is unconstitutional.
JD I don't remember you flipping your shit about the Cuba refugee policy when Obama ended it.
I talked to an immigrant last night. Greg from New Zealand. He went through the immigration process and is now a citizen. He loves trump and has no problem with the policy.
I'm sorry people aren't protesting the things you would prefer they protest against.
They got due process, they got their injunction. President's role is to govern, the judicial branch keeps him in check, our system works. In the end Trump's intended policy will be enforced and is legal. My boss could not go to Belgium 2 weeks ago because his passport expires in 3 months and you are not allowed to leave when your passport is that close to expiring. What about his civil rights? Think he rioted? He was inconvenienced as hell and he missed an important meeting. He is a US citizen, think he was going to get a Fed Judge to rule in hours? These people were inconvenienced, the judge maintained their rights.
No reason to be sorry but an acknowledgement about how childish and misguided the anti trumpsters are would be nice.
If someone is a complete nonsensical hypocrite, I get to dismiss everything they say. It's just logic. When you step over three people with their guts hanging out begging for help to help a Muslim with a hang nail just because liberals have successfully made them these furry little puppy dogs that gets likes and shares on their Facebook it is more than just hsh's personal grievance list. It's not ignorant because the information is available. It's stupid. It's willfull and outrageously myopic.
You cannot call me a trump fan either so don't lump me in that group. I've roasted him on this board for over a year and voted for ben Carson.
I didn't.
Ok but I'm waiting for the brand like a calf in the chute.
I don't know. Probably something that should be up for debate.Happy now? Btw, has Trump reinstated wet foot/dry foot? Do you expect him to? Do you want him too?
A hysterical reaction and fear from you.
You won't get it, you said....I've seen you willing to be critical of him.
Well then good. Not like that megapoke doing hurkys for the man.
You clearly don't understand what due process under the law means.
The judged enjoined an unconstitutional act on a preliminary basis. The President's role is to govern constitutionally. I agree the system of checks and balances worked so far. That doesn't mean that I can't be concerned about the executive branch taking actions with apparently very little forethought or review that had to be enjoined as unconstitutional.
Trump in his mind is trying to protect 300 million citizens. IF he had given warning about when he was going to do this, would we have had a flood of refugees in to this country that would have caused big problems? How about terrorists running in now? Do you believe he intentionally set out to break the constitution? Do you think he did it the way he did it knowing how the 109 people would resolve the issue instead of telling the terrorists how long they had to come here without extreme vetting? I do not want a constitutional lawyer and or Fed judge running our country, the President is to govern. He is sworn to uphold our constitution, no matter what advice he gets on that only until an issue is tested in our court systems is a ruling made, and he needs make sure those rulings are followed. If he does something criminal he can be charged.
I agree with the Fed judge's ruling, I think it gets worked out, and we did not tell our enemies ahead of time in order to give them warning.
I don't think he gave a shit about whether it broke the constitution. I don't think he bothered to take input from legal subject matter experts before doing it. I want a President that takes that oath to uphold the Constitution with the upmost seriousness and actually seriously consider and judge the constitutionality of what he does before he does it.
I prefer constitutional libertarianism (small L and not necessarily the party) over authoritarianism.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
I am not authoritarian but like libs you label and then call me stupid . I have voted democratic and republican for President and I am not happy with the extreme leanings on both sides of the aisles. The extreme left had to be stopped because it was ruining this country. Trump is changing the Rep party, some view it as populist and not once has it been called it authoritarian. I have an opinion and you calll it cheerleading to shame people than call them stupid. I am cheerleading to see this country great again within the constitution while eliminating PC and eliminating the extreme left policies. If you have not noticed not all reps are happy with Trump, his policies stand a chance to move us more moderate than any dem candidate. But hey, these are the ramblings of an authoritarian stupid idiot.
What a snowflake you are.
I'm not a liberal.....and you've definitely said some stupid, pro-authoritarian shit today.
Keep whining about getting as good as you're giving though.
LOL. You think your shit does not stink. Arrogant prick. Ambulance chaser? How is that, you love hating. Eat that.
Lol. You got your widdle feelings hurt and now you're acting out.
Keep going. This high hilarity.
What you wanted. You like to be slapped evidently. I was not trying to dish out anything, hilarious you thought I was, who got their feelings hurt when? Just wanted you to know what you look like.
What you wanted. You like to be slapped evidently. I was not trying to dish out anything, hilarious you thought I was, who got their feelings hurt when? Just wanted you to know what you look like.
So now you're a mindreading snowflake.
So precious.
Quite the temper tantrum.
I don't give a shit what you think I "look like" to you....just so we are clear.
don't take the bait
jd's a lawyer by trade
he can type faster than you
and loves getting under your skin