100 year T-Shirt

I know that For Pete's Sake has orange ones and several other designs for wrestling. They are at 105 S. Knoblock (405-372-2446).
I saw a couple people wearing 100 Years hoodies I would like to snag. I also really like the Nike t-shirts the wrestlers have been wearing that say Life with the wrestling pete but I haven't seen them for sell anywhere.
i think that the shirts the wrestlers wear & the give-a-ways are team inclusive. i have never seen them available for the public to purchase.
My wife snagged one out of the air for me at the last match. Honestly, it's not as nice as the one on sale online; but it's free.
This is the one I saw online (from the above link) that is quite a bit nicer than the one I got via parachute. I'll probably buy one in the future.

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