1. Spit on Eric Trump. 2. GoFundMe!


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005

A GoFundMe page says it is raising money for the restaurant employee who allegedly spat on Eric Trump Tuesday night.

It was reported that the president's son was confronted by a female server at The Aviary in Chicago. The Chicago Police Department and the Secret Service were involved in the incident.

The Alinea Group, who owns the high-end cocktail bar, called the incident "unfortunate" and told Fox News their HR team has "placed her on leave" as they looked into the matter.


On Wednesday, a GoFundMe campaign appeared to be established for the employee.

"My friend allegedly spat on Eric Trump and got fired. That's what happens when we bring the crises from our neighborhoods to the people causing/getting rich off those crise (sp)," says Brian, the GoFundMe page organizer. "I want to make sure she's good to go until she finds a new job, and that she won't have to worry about paying any legal fees etc.

The campaign has already raised over $4,000 out of the $5,000 goal under ten hours.

Brian did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Don't care what political party you are, what sex, what age, what color....this is just plain ass wrong. I remember watching videos of whites spitting on blacks during the democrats halcyon days of segregation while it took national guard troops or federal troops to keep the two groups separated.

So many of these vermin are such hypocrites. Wear a clown mask of the ex-rodent in chief at a rodeo in Missouri and you get fired. Spit on the presidents son (and I don't really care who was spit on actually) and someone starts a gofundme to defray your soon to be exorbitant legal fees and that's okay, the spitter some kind of hero. Despicable little bitch!

Love the restaurants reply as well.....weasels. Jessie Smurf stages a hate attack and the whole liberal world runs with it as fact that Trump supporters are racists pigs, your restaurants employee spits on the presidents son (or anyone) and we need all the facts to come out before doing anything other then suspending the dumbass.
TDS is real. Her hatred of all things Trump is so strong that she would willingly sacrifice her high paying job (a server at a restaurant like that is bringing home $200/night on slow nights and $500/night or more on weekends). And even worse, 3 years ago, should probably couldn't have picked Eric Trump out of a lineup.
Big cities full of nuts, pollution, economic disparity, lack of church family, crime and long periods without seeing a natural habitat is reeking havoc on the spongebob generation.
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Big cities full of nuts, pollution, economic disparity, lack of church family, crime and long periods without seeing a natural habitat is reeking havoc on the spongebob generation.

Very true but maybe there is hope. We have some family that were big city leftist. The kids were raised in the leftist mentality but now that they are out in the real world they are starting to see reality. One just graduated NYU with a masters in political science. She is engaged to a kid from an insanely wealthy family of conservatives and has completely change her tune The other two were big Obama supporters but now they are out working for a living and got a dose of reality they are starting to see the failings of their liberal views.
Very true but maybe there is hope. We have some family that were big city leftist. The kids were raised in the leftist mentality but now that they are out in the real world they are starting to see reality. One just graduated NYU with a masters in political science. She is engaged to a kid from an insanely wealthy family of conservatives and has completely change her tune The other two were big Obama supporters but now they are out working for a living and got a dose of reality they are starting to see the failings of their liberal views.
That is heartening.
Just wish there were more.
We need the numbers to counter the illegals that will be groomed to vote leftist.
It's a war for the soul of the country.

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