‘F***ing Jews:’ Last Words of Hostage-Taker, Deemed ‘Not Targeting Jews’ by FBI


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

Besides the ex-rodent in chief, FBI, The Squad and CAIR is there anyone else who's colossally surprised by this?
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LMFAO I'll bet you guys are spinning the shit out of this, we finally have a non-MAGA mass killer!

I actually have a list of mass shootings and the shooters party affiliation. You want to walk this road?
Oh, I know exactly how it goes. Every killin' is a politically motivated democrat and every mass shooter hopped up on MAGA propoganda is just mentally ill.
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Oh, I know exactly how it goes. Every killin' is a politically motivated democrat and every mass shooter hopped up on MAGA propoganda is just mentally ill.
No they are mentally ill and to associate them with a party is ignorant.
2 Corinthians 5: 10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us must receive what is due us for things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
I wonder if there is a book that says something different
The Bible, the best selling book in history, is the standard book of truth. There are many other scriptures in the bible stating Jesus is the only judge. Jesus is the only one who knows our thoughts and intentions, and everything we have done.
The Bible, the best selling book in history, is the standard book of truth. There are many other scriptures in the bible stating Jesus is the only judge. Jesus is the only one who knows our thoughts and intentions, and everything we have done.
Standard book of truth? It was compiled by a bunch of pagans.
The Bible, the best selling book in history, is the standard book of truth. There are many other scriptures in the bible stating Jesus is the only judge. Jesus is the only one who knows our thoughts and intentions, and everything we have done.
Many though don't believe it is the standard book of truth. Christians do, but the world is filled with those who aren't Christians.

I respect your religious faith, but you have to acknowledge that everyone doesn't share your religious viewpoint.
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Standard book of truth? It was compiled by a bunch of pagans.
The Holy Bible was downloaded from the Lord to the selected men. The Bible is full of parables and mysteries. The bible shows stories of men and women whom had problems and sinned, just like we we do. The only person to be born on the the earth and live without sin was Jesus Christ.
Many though don't believe it is the standard book of truth. Christians do, but the world is filled with those who aren't Christians.

I respect your religious faith, but you have to acknowledge that everyone doesn't share your religious viewpoint.
Matt 7: 13-14 "Enter ye in through the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." KJV

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