Whole 30 Challenge - Am I Going to Contemplate Suicide?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
My wife talked me into doing this with her. She's a runner and wants to cut down on her half-marathon times and I, well, need to lose about 20-25 pounds. I assume this is very similar to the Paleo challenge? I lift, do cardio at lunch about 3x a week, but due to copious amounts of beer consumed and a free-for-all food attitude on the weekends I don't lose any weight or inches. Imagine that....

Here are the rules for 30 Days:

Eat moderate portions of meat, seafood, and eggs; lots of vegetables; some fruit; plenty of natural fats; and herbs, spices, and seasonings. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re whole and unprocessed.

Do Not:

- Consume added sugar, real or artificial.

- Consume alcohol (mother#$#$@)

- Eat grains.

- Eat legumes.

- Eat dairy

- Consume carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites.

- Consume baked goods, junk foods, or treats with “approved” ingredients. When in doubt, leave it out.

So, anyone done this or the Paleo challenge? Any thoughts, tips, hints, success stories? Anyone wanna' talk me off the ledge here?
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Haven't done it, probably should.

I'd have to seriously consider a prescription for anti depressants before hand though.
You'll be fine. It will be over surprisingly quickly, and you will probably look at food in a different way after.

Meaning: you should realize you had an unhealthy attachment to a bunch of things that don't help you enjoy life.

You may also:
Lose all allergies
Lose all headaches
Poop normally
Run way faster

Bad news:
You may have actual withdrawals. Meaning you may have some nasty symptoms in the first week.
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Damn, draw up a menu and I'd be willing to try. But hell... what can you eat as a meal? That'll be one expensive menu.
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Damn, draw up a menu and I'd be willing to try. But hell... what can you eat as a meal? That'll be one expensive menu.

This is the most difficult thing about this.

With three young kids, a wife that home schools, a very busy job for me, and lots of activities for the kids that include lots of family church activities... We need a planned menu for my wife to consider it. And I have so little time to make my own meals that I often grab something at a restaurant for lunch.

I think I need a much bigger lifestyle adjustment than just a menu change.
Yes I did. And I did it pretty much exactly how he is saying to do it. Very primal type diet. I need to get back on the horse. But we are hosting an exchange student from China so we have a lot more rice and noodles to accommodate him. I'll get back on the horse when he leaves and after the WSOP.
Yes I did. And I did it pretty much exactly how he is saying to do it. Very primal type diet. I need to get back on the horse. But we are hosting an exchange student from China so we have a lot more rice and noodles to accommodate him. I'll get back on the horse when he leaves and after the WSOP.

How long did you do it and how much did you lose?
I did it. We cook from their latest cook book about 60-75% of the time. Have not had one single thing I didn't love.

Doing the full Whole 30 lifestyle full time would not work for me (no alcohol, for example), but I don't believe they necessarily intend for it to be a full time deal either. It will make you feel better and think about what you are putting into your body more.
Yes I did. And I did it pretty much exactly how he is saying to do it. Very primal type diet. I need to get back on the horse. But we are hosting an exchange student from China so we have a lot more rice and noodles to accommodate him. I'll get back on the horse when he leaves and after the WSOP.
Have you tried the riced cauliflower? When it is in a sauce or curry, you will notice little or no difference. The texture is remarkably similar. Of course, the riced cauliflower is pricier than rice.
You'll be fine. It will be over surprisingly quickly, and you will probably look at food in a different way after.

Meaning: you should realize you had an unhealthy attachment to a bunch of things that don't help you enjoy life.

You may also:
Lose all allergies
Lose all headaches
Poop normally
Run way faster

Bad news:
You may have actual withdrawals. Meaning you may have some nasty symptoms in the first week.

I have no doubt the first 7-10 days will be rough but I'm looking forward to increased energy levels and kick starting a more healthy lifestyle. Like @Marshal Jim Duncan is saying, this will never be a permanent thing for me but I need to get drastic to lose some weight and sort of re-train my mind and boy.

Damn, draw up a menu and I'd be willing to try. But hell... what can you eat as a meal? That'll be one expensive menu.

The menu is all the wife. I just grill or smoke whatever she needs me to. Today is Day 1, breakfast was some type of quiche that was damn good with "Whole 30 Approved" hot sauce. Onions, chopped bacon. Lunch is a grilled chicken breast and some type of sweet potato mash. Nothing but water and black coffee to drink for the next 30 days.
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We have this cookbook:

Like I said, EVRYTHING we have had has been pretty amazing to date, and that probably encompasses at least 25-30 recipes.

I'll tell Mrs. nathajw that you guys loved it because I'm almost positive that's what she has on her kindle. I actually found an email from her and our weekly menu plan. To be honest, it looks pretty damn good. The days with the missing lunches will be leftovers from previous meals that I take to work.

Monday May 8
Breakfast: Tomato Bacon Quiche (Whole30)
Lunch: Roast Chicken (DF) and Root Veggie Mash (DF)
Dinner: 7 minute salmon and Sauteed Kale (DF)

Tuesday May 9
Dinner: Caesar Salad (DF + GF) and Lime Marinated Flank Steak (Paleo) (Cook Steak and Taco Burgers Tonight)

Wednesday May 10
Breakfast: Deviled eggs and Savory Chicken Breakfast Sausage (Whole30)
Lunch: Taco Burgers and Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Dinner: Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs (DF + GF) and Simple Salad (DF) (Use leftover cooked chicken from earlier in the week.)

Thursday May 11
Dinner: Chicken and Berry Salad

Friday May 12
Breakfast: Broccoli and Ham Frittata Muffins and Side of Berries + Banana

Saturday May 13
Breakfast: Soft Scrambled eggs and Beautiful Bacon
Lunch: Turkey and Bacon Roll Ups with Avocado and Carrots (DF) and Strawberry Arugula Salad (DF)
Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Bright Wilted Spinach (DF)

Sunday May 14
Dinner: Mexi Salad with Fresh Guacamole
Have you tried the riced cauliflower? When it is in a sauce or curry, you will notice little or no difference. The texture is remarkably similar. Of course, the riced cauliflower is pricier than rice.
Yes I have and really enjoyed it. I'll pick it back up when my exchange student leaves at the end of this month.
I'm in the same boat right down to the runner wife and needing to drop 25 pounds while actually having good exercise habits.

I have been here several times. In my opinion what will work just as well as what you are talking about is:

Low carb diet
Lots of green veggies
Gallon of water a day
One cup of coffee max
Switch to shitty diet beer and carb free liquors
Completely cut sugar.
No processed foods
No trans fats

Not expensive. Easier to stick to. Fast results.
I'm in the same boat right down to the runner wife and needing to drop 25 pounds while actually having good exercise habits.

I have been here several times. In my opinion what will work just as well as what you are talking about is:

Low carb diet
Lots of green veggies
Gallon of water a day
One cup of coffee max
Switch to shitty diet beer and carb free liquors
Completely cut sugar.
No processed foods
No trans fats

Not expensive. Easier to stick to. Fast results.

What you've described is pretty close to the Whole 30 program except it cuts out all alcohol and also eliminates dairy other than Ghee for cooking and also legumes.
I haven't gone 3-5 days without a drink in a long long time let alone 30 days. I get technically drunk very rarely these days but I'll pour a stiff one after the kids are in bed and watch some baseball, sit on the porch, or whatever.

If I have any sort of physical dependency on alcohol, we're about to find out and then hopefully break myself of it.
I haven't gone 3-5 days without a drink in a long long time let alone 30 days. I get technically drunk very rarely these days but I'll pour a stiff one after the kids are in bed and watch some baseball, sit on the porch, or whatever.

If I have any sort of physical dependency on alcohol, we're about to find out and then hopefully break myself of it.
Some people have a digestive reaction with the Whole 30 due to switching to such a "clean" diet with increased greens and no alcohol.
I'll tell Mrs. nathajw that you guys loved it because I'm almost positive that's what she has on her kindle. I actually found an email from her and our weekly menu plan. To be honest, it looks pretty damn good. The days with the missing lunches will be leftovers from previous meals that I take to work.

Monday May 8
Breakfast: Tomato Bacon Quiche (Whole30)
Lunch: Roast Chicken (DF) and Root Veggie Mash (DF)
Dinner: 7 minute salmon and Sauteed Kale (DF)

Tuesday May 9
Dinner: Caesar Salad (DF + GF) and Lime Marinated Flank Steak (Paleo) (Cook Steak and Taco Burgers Tonight)

Wednesday May 10
Breakfast: Deviled eggs and Savory Chicken Breakfast Sausage (Whole30)
Lunch: Taco Burgers and Roasted Rainbow Carrots
Dinner: Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs (DF + GF) and Simple Salad (DF) (Use leftover cooked chicken from earlier in the week.)

Thursday May 11
Dinner: Chicken and Berry Salad

Friday May 12
Breakfast: Broccoli and Ham Frittata Muffins and Side of Berries + Banana

Saturday May 13
Breakfast: Soft Scrambled eggs and Beautiful Bacon
Lunch: Turkey and Bacon Roll Ups with Avocado and Carrots (DF) and Strawberry Arugula Salad (DF)
Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Bright Wilted Spinach (DF)

Sunday May 14
Dinner: Mexi Salad with Fresh Guacamole

We had tomato coconut curry with chicken tonight out of the book. It was outstanding.
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What's the problem with legumes?
My understanding is that many legumes contain certain properties which make them "anti-nutrients". That is they include micro substances which basically negate their healthy aspect (some protein, some fiber).

For peanuts, for example, they contain lectins, which are hard to digest and are thought to promote inflammation.
In August 2012, I begin doing the Paleo diet. I weighed 210 lbs when I started it and went hardcore for 4 months until the holidays hit. I think my weight got down to low 190's. It was hard though literally all I ate was meat, fruit, veggies, nuts. No beans, corn, potatoes, dairy, etc... After Christmas started it back up again but this time it was more of the Primal diet, which I thought was a little easier, small amounts of dairy products. I think at the end of it all I just didn't think it was sustainable for the duration of my up grains is no easy task.

In March, my brother recommended the book The 4hr body by Timothy Ferriss. Book is really entertaining and covers everything from dieting, working out, sex, rehab after injury, living longer, etc...Anyway, the diet the author talks about in the book is called the slow-carb diet. It is by far the most restrictive diet I have ever done. Basically you can eat only meat, legumes, and some vegetables (none with starch). The thing that I found interesting about this diet is that you get one cheat day a week, where you can literally eat as much of anything that you want.

Since beginning the diet in early March I have lost 20lbs. It is really hard but every time I want to eat something I write it down and eat it on my cheat day (Saturday). Last Saturday morning I weighed 198.5, at the end of Saturday I weighed 205.3. By Wednesday morning I was back down to my Saturday morning weight. In his book Ferriss says gives a lot of reasons why the body responds well to having one cheat day.

Anyway, this diet is meant for shredding fat. Once a person reaches their desired weight at that point they can add fruit, starchy vegetables, and other foods that don't necessarily make you gain weight but don't promote you to loose it. Oh and I hate lifting weights, absolutely hate it. But Ferriss talks a lot about the Kettlebell so I bought one and absolutely love it.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread away from Whole30. My wife has done it and loved it. Just wanted to give an option for anyone who wants to try something after the 30 days is up.
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I cheated and measured this morning. Down 16 pounds and 2.5 inches off my waist.

I still like my sleep, all this BS I read about "you'll just pop out of bed in the morning!", yah right, I still cuss that 6:00 am alarm clock. I do feel like my energy levels during the day have increased a ton but that doesn't keep me from my ~30 oz of joe in the morning. I hit the treadmill at lunch 3-4 times a week and lift heavy in the garage about 3x a week. Deads, bench, squat, bent over row, etc. Want to get my pound total over 1,000 before the end of summer and hopefully 1,200 before the end of the year. I don't know if I'll ever be that strong again though.

I've also cheated as far as food and drink, cousin got married last weekend and I needed my social lubricant. Monday will make 30 days but I think I'm going to keep going for another 2 weeks until I head to Florida with the family.
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