Weekend in Amarillo - Is there a trendy area?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Sep 21, 2005
Staying downtown.

Just want to kick it and relax. Any trendy areas or streets?

Nothing trendy really. If you're downtown you'll probably want to check out Polk street and sixth street. There are several places to just have a drink and get a bite to eat.

You a beer drinker? I Don't Know is on sixth between McMasters and S. Adams and they have 150-200 beers on tap. I don't go down there a lot so I don't have specifics other than that to recommend.

If you've never had Torchy's Tacos there is one on Soncy, cab fair may be kind of high from where your at though. I just realized how sad it is that I recommended this.

Oh, the Big Texan has a brewery now. The food isn't all that great but you could take a shot at the 72 oz steak.

Sorry, this town is a pretty dull place to live IMO. I'm ready to go.
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I lived there for three years in the early 70s. The place has really slipped backwards since then. Not much hoppin' in the Big A these days.
Amarillo seems to have slipped backwards over the years. Not sure it ever had a lot to offer but maybe the slide of rural America has taken a toll on the town. I don't go there much anymore but it seems the economic activity due to oil has moved somewhere else.
Economically speaking, Amarillo is actually in great shape. Unemployment was around 3.5% last I saw and it also was one of the best economies in the state with expected job growth over 30% for the next ten years. The downtown revitalization project has improved downtown by leaps and bounds compared to just 8-10 years ago. The homeless down there is still an issue and they have a long way to go with their plans. The new ballpark will be really nice once they finish that whole area up.

The issue with Amarillo is it has nothing to offer geographically speaking. I guess you could go hiking in Palo Duro Canyon or you can drive an hour plus to go to a lake. If you want to do something here in town your basically limited to hitting up a bar or bar and grill with friends, which there are a ton of here. I know there are some places downtown that people really like but I'm not a downtown fan so I can't offer a lot there. If you like I can ask some friends that frequent the downtown scene a lot though.
I appreciate all the responses.

Sure thing Thor, I'd appreciate that too. I'm staying at the downtown Marriott tomorrow and Saturday night. Going to see about a woman. She lives there. I live in Dallas. Been talking a month. We're going to see if this is something worth pursuing.

But yeah, we'll be hanging out downtown, so any places they say are decent, low key places with maybe a band would be exactly what I'm looking for.

Dinner at OHMS. It's a little pricy but great food. Sometimes Butler's has a band. If not it's still low key and so is Crush.

Burger bar, rain and Youngs sushi is good too
Here's the good news... There's a high ratio of HOT among the women of Texas' High Plains.

There's also nothing to do there if it's not hunting season though.
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The visit itself gets an A+
Unfortunately, this weekend, downtown appeared to be a ghost town.
Saw many food trucks when we got out around the city, but didn't stop at any. Wished I had.
Was told that next time should spend some time in the western part of the city...a little more going on.

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