Team MAGA King is taking out the trash at the RNC

Maybe this will lead to a new 2 year contract for grandson. Somehow the goofy kid loves DC. He thought he was finished with a Trump loss.
I am all for finding the truth, but, there have been 63 lawsuits filed, many have gone before Republican appointed judges, several in front of Trump appointed judges, and every one of those have thrown out for lack of evidence, in fact numerous times the lawyers have been sanctioned for filing a frivolous claim. The "Ciber-ninjas" were hired to look at everything in the Arizona election and found NOTHING.......ZERO credible evidence has been brought forward. Texas did a complete audit in their 5 largest precincts and found 6 "Possible" examples of voter fraud......sometime you just have to accept the truth

watching a ww2 documentary last night
said only 10% of people are independent thinkers and leaders

the other 90% like cowboy uk are drones
happy to be told what to do

I recommend Rigged by Mollie Hemingway. Pages 339-423 are Notes. Ms. Hemingway uses small words from the dominant West Germanic language, better known as English.

Biden engineered two campaign rallies. Dozens participated, many wearing MAGA hats and jeering.

1+1=2 is arithmetic's simplest equation. This is the axiom. Anyone who has slept throuh a course in arithmetic knows Biden never received an all time record 81 million legal votes. Mark Zuckerberg's $400 million played a key role in our President In Name Only.

Most of our board members are well aware of Biden's glaring shortcomings. Most of our board members are gifted with an IQ far above the dismal US average of 97.4.