So the CIA tortured a few for the safety of our country


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 14, 2001
It's not like they sawed their heads off with an 8" knife and put it on the internet.
....but the DFC't is going to get it out there now, no matter the consequences. Sickening!
This has me furious. Liberals are going to get good men and women killed. Diane Feinstein should go live, as a woman, in the areas where the terrorists we tortured live.

Blood is about to be on the hands of this woman, and her willing accomplices. Has anyone ever stopped to think that we havent had a domestic attack specifically due to the tactics we put in place?

Also this statement that torture doesn't work in interrogations is an out and out lie. Everybody talks - eventually.

Liberal guilt is going to pussify this nation to the point of no return.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Cowguy:

Also this statement that torture doesn't work in interrogations is an out and out lie. Everybody talks - eventually.
This is a true statement. As a human animal, everyone is breakable.

I wonder how far the Libs would go to get information if one of their own children were taken by kidnappers? Would they be against these techniques if it was somebody that they loved whose lives were on the line?
Nothing the CIA did comes anywhere close to what our enemies have done to our soldiers and non-combatants. When we were in training to go to Vietnam and being told what to expect while there, we saw some of the most grotesque and savage unedited films of the aftermath of American troops captured and tortured to death by the Viet Cong. One film is more than enough to see to know that nothing the US does comes anywhere close to what has been and is perpetrated upon our countrymen.

If I were commander-in-chief, there would be no rules of engagement imposed on our troops nor would there be any prohibitions on intelligence gathering. Nothing, no technique or method, can compare to what our citizens have endured.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yeah, we're against torturing people unless we think it's in our self interest.
Reasonable people can disagree on what constitutes torture and what measures should be used to interrogate prisoners. What I don't think can be debated is how completely stupid and irresponsible it is to publish this report for the world to see. If heads need to roll at the CIA, then make it happen. If criminal charges need to be filed, then do it. But don't publish a report that basically hangs out to dry the men and women in our intelligence community that have worked and continue to work to keep us safe. It's irresponsible, and it's going to get people killed.

I think everyone has a short memory with respect to how scared everyone was post 9-11. Every little thing that happened everyone was freaking out that it was a terrorist attack. We didn't know when the next attack was coming and how many people would be killed. Would these attacks become a regular occurrence? I am amazed at how safe, for the most part, our country has been. We turned our military and our intelligence community loose to do just that and they did. Now, since we've grown fat, happy, and feel safe again we want to rewrite the rules 13 years later.

This report is nothing but a political hatchet job and the folks behind should be ashamed of themselves.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yeah, we're against torturing people unless we think it's in our self interest.
I love liberals and all their kumbaya BS that if the big mean United States would just be more compassionate then they wouldn't hate us so much. Go have a Coke and a smile and shut the hell up.
Whether it worked or not is immaterial. Whether is was legal or not is immaterial. Whether it was ethical or not is immaterial. The problem is not that there is Congressional oversight, there should be and as I said if they find illegal or inappropriate actions then it should be dealt with. What should not be done is airing it publicly and putting lives in danger to score political points. The fact that anyone would argue this is beyond me.
Originally posted by TPOKE:

Originally posted by syskatine:

Yeah, we're against torturing people unless we think it's in our self interest.
I love liberals and all their kumbaya BS that if the big mean United States would just be more compassionate then they wouldn't hate us so much. Go have a Coke and a smile and shut the hell up.
Do you have any teeth?
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yeah, we're against torturing people unless we think it's in our self interest.
So what are your thoughts on Obama killing american citizens with out any due process with drone attacks? What about drone attacks that have had high civilian deaths?
Originally posted by imprimis:
Nothing the CIA did comes anywhere close to what our enemies have done to our soldiers and non-combatants. When we were in training to go to Vietnam and being told what to expect while there, we saw some of the most grotesque and savage unedited films of the aftermath of American troops captured and tortured to death by the Viet Cong. One film is more than enough to see to know that nothing the US does comes anywhere close to what has been and is perpetrated upon our countrymen.

If I were commander-in-chief, there would be no rules of engagement imposed on our troops nor would there be any prohibitions on intelligence gathering. Nothing, no technique or method, can compare to what our citizens have endured.
I would go a step further and openly state that our country's new policy is that we will begin every engagement by assassinating the head of any gov't or organization that we go after.
Originally posted by Bitter Creek:
Originally posted by imprimis:
Nothing the CIA did comes anywhere close to what our enemies have done to our soldiers and non-combatants. When we were in training to go to Vietnam and being told what to expect while there, we saw some of the most grotesque and savage unedited films of the aftermath of American troops captured and tortured to death by the Viet Cong. One film is more than enough to see to know that nothing the US does comes anywhere close to what has been and is perpetrated upon our countrymen.

If I were commander-in-chief, there would be no rules of engagement imposed on our troops nor would there be any prohibitions on intelligence gathering. Nothing, no technique or method, can compare to what our citizens have endured.
I would go a step further and openly state that our country's new policy is that we will begin every engagement by assassinating the head of any gov't or organization that we go after.
Or just quietly rescind the Executive Orders of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter banning said assassinations.
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by TPOKE:

Originally posted by syskatine:

Yeah, we're against torturing people unless we think it's in our self interest.
I love liberals and all their kumbaya BS that if the big mean United States would just be more compassionate then they wouldn't hate us so much. Go have a Coke and a smile and shut the hell up.
Do you have any teeth?
Good comeback. Don't you have some minorities to keep down?
Originally posted by imprimis:

Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

Originally posted by imprimis:
Nothing the CIA did comes anywhere close to what our enemies have done to our soldiers and non-combatants. When we were in training to go to Vietnam and being told what to expect while there, we saw some of the most grotesque and savage unedited films of the aftermath of American troops captured and tortured to death by the Viet Cong. One film is more than enough to see to know that nothing the US does comes anywhere close to what has been and is perpetrated upon our countrymen.

If I were commander-in-chief, there would be no rules of engagement imposed on our troops nor would there be any prohibitions on intelligence gathering. Nothing, no technique or method, can compare to what our citizens have endured.
I would go a step further and openly state that our country's new policy is that we will begin every engagement by assassinating the head of any gov't or organization that we go after.
Or just quietly rescind the Executive Orders of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter banning said assassinations.
I greatly disagree on the quietly part. I would go out with it Putin-style.

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