Republican thought process

Yes he was and Clinton was told this as well. In fact, Clinton had a shot to kill him and passed. Great job!

OBL hadn't actually started to become the terror that he was until Clinton was in office. But North was right, it's just Clinton chose to do nothing about it. Bush should have as well but Clinton could have killed the bastard. Unreal.
What's unreal is that we had a memo on Dumbya's desk, and he ignored it. Literally on his desk. Then, after OBL took out the world trade centers, Dumbya invaded the wrong country and then finally just gave up on finding him when it got too hard. GAVE UP.

Thank you, Mr. Obama. I just can't believe a POTUS would ever give up on finding the guy behind 911. What can I say, character counts.

You think it eats at Bush and Cheney, leaving a legacy of such incompetence?

Syssie, you keep chanting that BUSH BUSH BUSH gave up on finding Bin Laden. How were you able to make this determination?
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

Syssie, you keep chanting that BUSH BUSH BUSH gave up on finding Bin Laden. How were you able to make this determination?
"Who knows if he's hiding in some cave or not. We haven't heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don't understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He's just a person who's been marginalized.... I don't know where he is. I really just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

Pretty good start....
I can't find anything in that article you cited which backs up your claim that BUSH BUSH BUSH gave up the hunt for bin Laden. Can you? Thanks for your assistance.
Also, wasn't it during this very time frame that bin Laden's courier was identified? That major piece of the puzzle was what led to the discovery of bin Laden's exact location! This hardly seems consistent with your repeated claims that BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH gave up on finding bin Laden!

Are you certain about this claim?
Lol, here's another jewel from Dumbya from the official transcript of his press conference:

"I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when he had taken over a country."

Keep in mind, this is after Dumbya pronounced OBL was wanted, dead or alive. Guess he wasn't really ALL that wanted, after all.

The real question is why did Dumbya give up so easy? Maybe because of his privileged upbringing, he never really learned how to press on through hardship? Spent too much time dodging drafts instead of learning about the military? All I know is he acted about how you'd expect a draft-dodging, trust fund baby to react. I'll leave his subjective motivations (or lack thereof) to history.

I'll repeat what I said....
You seem to be continuing to manufacture something that's just not there.

It's almost like your hatred for the former president has gotten in the way of your reading comprehension.
Run, deny, cavil, obfuscate, it doesn't change the fact your crush gave up. Surrendered. Headed for the shade while there was work to be done. There have always been cowards, but the amazing thing is that there were enough scared republicans like you cheering him on.

I'm thinking about removing my signature. Remember when you typed that after the prisoner exchange? Are you still afraid of that, too?
Originally posted by syskatine:
Run, deny, cavil, obfuscate, it doesn't change the fact your crush gave up. Surrendered. Headed for the shade while there was work to be done. There have always been cowards, but the amazing thing is that there were enough scared republicans like you cheering him on.

I'm thinking about removing my signature. Remember when you typed that after the prisoner exchange? Are you still afraid of that, too?
When I work around my house outside in the summer, I plan it so I'm in the shade. So who's the wise one now?
The sources you cited don't back up your claim, Sys! Your first citation is an article that contains zero giving up. Rather, it speaks to an organizational restructuring which seems to ultimately have worked!

Your second attempt contains quotes from the former president which do not state giving up. They don't even imply it! If anything, the former president was trying to minimize bin Laden's importance. Feel free to climb all over the guy for that and you're going to be correct! But that's a long way from giving up!
Of course they don't back up his claim. Typical lib bullshit. He still hasn't recognized or agreed that Clinton had a chance to kill him and declined. Never does mention the fact that a lib screws up. This is the type of individual that cannot have intelligent conversations nor can be reasoned with in any shape or form. Pure stupidity and blindness.

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