I Watched This Clip By Two Bona Fide Leftists

On a side note isn’t it interesting that the Democrats cheated amongst themselves in 2016 they were so fearful that Bernie might beat out Hillary. (As a side note to the side note isn’t it interesting that our friend from Florida claims to be a progressive that wanted Bernie to be the candidate but seemed unfazed or unconcerned that the establishment of his party cheated Bernie out of contention. Maybe he’s not really a progressive - or even a leftist - considering the fascist tendency of his party’s establishment.) It appears the establishment Democrats learned from 2016 how to cheat better in 2020, and even 2022.
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Who's that friend from Florida Dan? A little clarification brother. 👍
I’ll give you some time to think about it. Another hint: he’s a second tier lawyer that works traffic court/night court in a rural Florida county (or so I’ve always assumed).
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I’ll give you some time to think about it. Another hint: he’s a second tier lawyer that works traffic court/night court in a rural Florida county (or so I’ve always assumed).
Well God dammit Ive got to do some research now. Thanks Dan! 😁
You're talkin' about Lil Azov!


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