House Votes To Censure Rashid Tlaib


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Have to say I'm torn on this one. I am a believer in free speech even if that speech is something I strongly disagree with. She should be free to say whatever it is she wants without fear of punishment. On the other hand Democrats started this BS and have done their very best to punish anyone that says anything they disagree with it. Hard for me to condemn Republicans for doing exactly what Democrats have been doing for the last few years. Maybe this will be a wake up call and people will finally realize cancel culture is wrong. I won't hold my breath but I will readily welcome people coming to their senses.
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I live at the edge of the Comancheria. I grew up suffering the torture of having to live among the Comanches at the heart of the Comancheria. I think all Comanches should be eradicated for all the misery they have bestowed upon the rest of us.

I fully expect board censure and beyond for my dispicable declaration.

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