GOT 6-14 Pre-game (possible spoilers)


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2002
Flower Mound, TX
So what are we looking for tomorrow night.? They have left themselves a lot of open plot lines for one show. Most likely it will include:

Cersie's walk of shame. We know they were filming this because of the problems with locations.

The battle of Winterfell. Which I actually thought would be last week. This goes beyond Dance With Dragons content but they have spent to much time setting it up this season not to have a payoff. I'm interested to see what role Brienne plays as well as how the Darvos storyline plays out. Will Sansa escape?

Does Jon Snow meet the same fate as the books? They seem to be setting it up as such..

I think Dany's storyline may be left with her riding off on the Dragon until next season although the preview had a shot of Tywin and the others still at the fighting pits.

Arya knocks another one off her lists? Once again they have spent all season setting up her training and moving pieces into place. I would expect some payoff.

Not sure anything more comes of the Dorne storyline this season. It would seem the whole Kings Landing soap opera will be carried over after Cersie walk. I don't expect to see all the events of Dance With Dragons although they did make reference to Keven Lannister being back last week and we haven't seen Varys lately.
If you look around, you can find the 'previously on GOT' for this episode.

From that, I am certain that your guess on Arya is accurate. I suspect that we will see Theon and Sansa take a leap of faith and end up with Brienne. I think the Battle for Winterfrll waits until next season. Dubious that we see Varys.
Agree on the walk of shame.

I do agree that they have set things in motion for Jon to end up with the same events as the books, however, the preview suggests that Benjen may reenter the story, so that makes me wonder.

Doubt we see Dany this week, but we will see more of the Dorne crew.
If Jon dies, I am going to be pissed off. For what it's worth, I think the return of Benjen and the fact that Kit Harrington has signed on for season 6 and renegotiated his contract for a possible season 7 suggest that he either does not die, or at least, if he does, that isn't the end of him, exactly.

I'm bought into the idea that Fire & Ice means eventually Jon and Danny become a thing, but who knows....

One thing that is increasingly overdue is when exactly will Theon and/or Sansa deliver unto Ramsey the death he so richly deserves?
There no way Jon actually dies either in book or the series. He's too key a player. My guess is tonight ends with him lying in the snow bleeding. Fate to be determined next season. The one thing about fantasy that has always driven me crazy is the ability of the author, GRRM in the case, to just introduce a new element into the show at any time when needed. Wouldn't be surprised if one of the wildings has so magic potent to cure or bring Jon backs to life or even if Sam found something in one of the books in the library.

Agree the Ramsey get's his tonight from some combo of Reek, Sansa and Brienne. Long overdue. I would prefer to see him burnt at the stake but probably won't happen that way. We've already had two burnings this season and they like to mix their gore / torture up. Don't want to be too predictable.
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I would like Ramsey to be flayed. About to start it hope it is all I have been wishing for.
Well, I was way off on a lot of my predictions
All in all, it was very good.

The Dorne story continues to be silly.

I guess the burning of Shireen was partially about making the viewer hate him before they killed him off. HBO sure turned him into a bumbling idiot.
Stannis isn't dead right?
This battle hasn't happened yet in the books, so no one really knows for sure. I usually stick to the "no body, no death" rule for TV, but unless someone came out of nowhere to take out Brienne at that exact moment, I don't know why he'd be alive.

They made the Jon thing into a really blatant Brutus-Caesar thing. Hopefully Melisandre has some juju still stored up.
Yeah, I see no point in Stannis surviving but it just seems weird they didn't actually show it happen.
If Stannis is dead then that seems like a ton of time devoted to a character that ultimately didn't play much of a role.
If Stannis is dead then that seems like a ton of time devoted to a character that ultimately didn't play much of a role.

And I doubt Brienne was prevented from killing him or hurt herself. Perhaps Sansa came across them but we saw Brienne strike with her sword.
Without Jon, the series is over for me. Loved Tyrion, but his storyline has become tedious and I don't give a shit about anyone else left alive.
I predicted last week that Stannis would fall at winterfell. I always assumed he would win, but after the burning it made no sense. I didn't believe his men would fight for him, and that's what happened.

I was starting to wonder if Jon was really going to die until Red left camp.

My favorite part of the whole episode was Varys showing up and Tyrion's "I have missed you" line. Seriously, those two are a massive jump up in advisors from Jorah and Selmy. Plus she may have a massive Dothraki army behind her.
Without Jon, the series is over for me. Loved Tyrion, but his storyline has become tedious and I don't give a shit about anyone else left alive.

From EW:

I was talking to Dan Weiss and he said Jon is really dead. But George R.R. Martin left open the possibility the character might not be dead in the books. And then that cast salary contract story came out last year and it had your name among those receiving raises for season six and an option on a seventh. So let me ask you: Is Jon reallydead?
This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.
That's a pretty definitive quote, but I have to believe Jon is coming back. All the mystery around his parentage, the setup with Beric Dondarrion they did on the show but never used for Lady Stoneheart, and the maneuvering to get Melisandre back at the Wall just convince me it will happen. It's not like the actor's going to say, "Don't worry, that huge death we've been building up to all season was meaningless. Here is the big reveal for next season we haven't even filmed yet."
My take on Jon and Stannis....

Stannis is dead. I, also, wondered why they didn't show his death, but I can't see why Brienne would spare him. I guess, he could duck under her sword and they could fight each other then end up coming to some type of understanding, but I doubt that would happen. HBO went, to great lengths to destroy any positives that Stannis brought to the story. He burned his daughter. His army deserted him or was decimated. He no longer has any chance to liberate Winterfell or sit the iron throne. What would be the point of keeping him in the story? What possible significant role could he play? I don't expect to see him back.

Jon is also dead. But, Jon will be revived by Melisandre. The producers can definitively say that Jon is dead because he is. Kit Harrington has said that he was told he won't be back next season. That may be true or it may be a lie. The producers could have told him to lie, or they could have told him that he won't be back, but told him the truth 5 minutes later. That allows Kit to say "I have been told I won't be back" without being dishonest. Why do I think Jon will be back? The obvious answer is that he is a key, and popular, character whose story still has a lot of unanswered questions (in both book and show). In addition to that, what would be the point of bringing Melisandre back to the wall if not to revive Jon? She has no role there. No one will listen to her. They would be more inclined to rape/kill her. The 3rd reason I am convinced Jon returns is that the Boltons still need to get what's coming to them. HBO has set them up as the most hated characters on the show (especially Ramsay), and there is now no one to oppose them. Even if Stannis lives, there is no way he will be able to position himself to take Winterfell or kill the Boltons. But, if Jon lives, the Northern Lords might rally around him (especially if he is reunited with Sansa) and regain Winterfelll while eliminating the Boltons from the story.
To me it just doesn't make sense to not show Stannis die. Right after Stannis said do your duty Brienne hestitated for a moment.

Man the show really sucked all the hope away. They basically took out any small thing that gives readers hope, LSH, Manderlys, Davos going for Rickon.
All in all a pretty disappointing season.

Totally agree. The writing really fell off. They left out/changed so many good things from GRRM's story. It is hard to look at it from the viewpoint of a viewer who has not read the book, but I think most of them would still consider this season to be great. The show simply has so much going for it and does so many things that you don't get to see anywhere else. Still, this season was definitely a drop off from past seasons.
To me it just doesn't make sense to not show Stannis die. Right after Stannis said do your duty Brienne hestitated for a moment.

Man the show really sucked all the hope away. They basically took out any small thing that gives readers hope, LSH, Manderlys, Davos going for Rickon.

Not only did they cut LSH out of the story, but they have completely cut the Freys out of the story. They haven't even shown us a group of Freys hanging with the Boltons. So, now, we have seen the Red Wedding, and viewers despised the Freys but they have replaced them with the Boltons as the most evil family. Maybe Arya, Sansa or Jon will end up killing off Walder Frey so we can get some payoff for the RW.
Will she use her magic to save Jon or will Stannis be re-born? Nothing is for certain and with book readers knowing about Jon's death it might be why they paid him for next year to keep people surprised. Just playing devils advocate here a bit.

I suspect though that the red priestess will kiss Jon much like how Lady Stoneheart was brought back to life.
One other discussion point on the episode. The actress who plays Cersei looked pretty good on the walk of shame. Was that really her, or did they CGI her face onto a body double? I was just surprised that they would show her nude, for such an extended period of time, when she has yet to appear even topless in prior seasons. Thoughts?
They CGI'd Lena Headey's face onto a body double. It's been confirmed multiple places. Also, if you've ever seen 300 or a couple other Lena Headey movies, you know she's not so, uh...zaftig.
They CGI'd Lena Headey's face onto a body double. It's been confirmed multiple places. Also, if you've ever seen 300 or a couple other Lena Headey movies, you know she's not so, uh...zaftig.

Thanks. I figured that was the case. The other tip off was the scenes before they cut her hair. They kept showing "her" naked but the hair was hanging down and covering her face. They did a damn good job with the CGI.
I haven't read the books, but am an avid watcher of the show. With that being said, what happened to Sansa's little brothers that Theon spared? I can't for the life of me remember...
I haven't read the books, but am an avid watcher of the show. With that being said, what happened to Sansa's little brothers that Theon spared? I can't for the life of me remember...
The youngest one went off with Osha, the Wildling lady, and they really haven't been heard from or seen again on the show (or in the books, honestly). Bran, the one who was crippled, traveled with Hodor and the brother and sister beyond the Wall, where they were attacked by those skeletons at the end of last season. Bran was taken in by the Children, another race that has lived in Westeros for longer than men. Bran was searching for the 3-eyed crow and is now supposed to learn from him how best to handle his warging and seer abilities.
Bran is north of the wall with the 3-eyed crow. He is learning how to use the Weirwood trees and Ravens to see things happening in other places and (according to the books) to see things that have happened in the past. He is the paralyzed "kid" with Hodor.

Rickon was taken by Osha (the ex-wildling woman) and his wolf (Shaggy Dog) somewhere else. The idea was for them to split up so that both Stark heirs did not fall into the wrong hands. On the show, we have not seen Rickon since. In the books, someone knows what happens to him and Davos is given a mission to go find him and bring him back to the North. We will find out how that mission goes in the next book. The guy who sent Davos on the mission is not in the show, so we may not see Rickon again in HBO's version.
That walk was brutal but it honestly made me look forward to her revenge and normally I'm rooting for Cersei to get what's coming to her. One of the few times I ever pulled for her.

Someone has to come back from the dead, otherwise what was the point of showing that it was possible back in season 3 or 4?
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Having never read the books (or even heard of them) before the series premiered, I can say I've enjoyed this season, more than most others. Especially the battle at Hardhome.

Having never read the books (or even heard of them) before the series premiered, I can say I've enjoyed this season, more than most others. Especially the battle at Hardhome.

I figured people like you (viewers who have not read) would enjoy this season. There have been plenty of interesting scenes that did not take place in the books but provide shock value to the viewer. (burning of Shireen, Ramsay raping Sansa, Decimation of Stannis' army, Battle of Hardholme, etc). They have also done a lot of things, that were in the books, very well (Cersei's walk, Jon bringing the Wildlings through the gates, Tyrion being kidnapped by Mormont, Dani riding Drogon, etc). All of those positives overshadow the negatives that stand out to readers of the books. It is pretty much the norm for books to be better than movie/TV adaptations. Books allow the reader to use their imagination and to basically read the minds of the characters. HBO is much more limited in their ability to tell the story, but has done a very good job overall.
Completely forgot about him.

I'm reluctantly going over to the side which is disappointed in this year's writing. I kept thinking that the last two episodes would tie everything together and Been would have to admit the show was doing fine without GRRM. But alas, t'was not to be. They not only didn't tie everything together, they let a couple more ends fray.

Since Melisandre failed Stannis so miserably, why should we think she's still powerful enough to bring Jon back? If she is that powerful, why didn't she go bring Stannis back instead of returning to the Wall looking like a whipped puppy?

Even in better days, I don't know why she'd have any interest in resurrecting Jon. He looked her right in the nipples and said, "No thanks." Was that event a foreshadowing of her power slipping away?

It's a sad state of affairs when the only storyline which doesn't make fans want to puke is Theon and Sansa holding hands and jumping 80 feet into a bank of snow.

I'm really disappointed. They won't set any season-opener Nielson ratings next year. Maybe they've made GRRM's point for him. Maybe they'll put him back in the driver's seat. IDK, they've worn me out.
To me it just doesn't make sense to not show Stannis die. Right after Stannis said do your duty Brienne hestitated for a moment.

Man the show really sucked all the hope away. They basically took out any small thing that gives readers hope, LSH, Manderlys, Davos going for Rickon.
Who came back from the dead? What condition were they in? Pet Sematary?

Beric Dondarrion

Here is the scene
Also how are none of you not talking about the mountain being brought back to life or whatever. I think we are in for another four more years of Cersei Lanister.