Dove Season

I have been shooting aerials with my recurve in preparation. Once I get a limit for the grill I will be going traditional archery for them.

If I get just one, it will be success.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I have been shooting aerials with my recurve in preparation. Once I get a limit for the grill I will be going traditional archery for them.

If I get just one, it will be success.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by mad4osu:

If you get one, make sure its on video.
I don't know which would be more impossible, shooting the dove or getting it on video.
We have been practicing by throwing these little guys up (duct taped up of course). $4.65 a pair at Wally.
You have to find grain. Either harvested corn or milo fields or harvested ponds near them.
We hunted near a pond next to a milo field with a whole bunch of corn on the ground the first day.

The second day we hunted a milo field with about ten other guys. We shot three. They got there right before dawn and shot a few before we got there. They just werent flying.

It's like they are all local birds and not any migrating yet.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dally, That was with your bow, right?

I'm going to go for a while after work, but until we get a migration going, I may not see very many. Another cool front coming in later this week, so I wonder when they will start coming down from Kansas and points north?

Last nite, I am guessing at my pond, I saw about 80 birds total, and few were within shooting distance. I was fishing so no gun with me. It needs to get better or I may as be using my bow.
No, I am missing out. The only place I have with birds right now is a cut milo field with tons of trash (leaves, stalks, heads, etc). We are afraid that there is no way we would find our flu-flus if we tried to shoot there.

Hopin to make an Alfalfa County run this week sometime to hunt over sand. Will probably come back empty handed but will launch arrows if at all possible.