Biden Admits Gas And Food Prices Aren't Coming Down Anytime Soon


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

The idea we’re going to be able to click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline is not likely in the near term, nor is it with regard to food,”

What's Biden's solution? Another multi trillion dollar government spending program just like the one that caused the problem in the first place, which will only make the problem worse. SMFH.
the apparatchiks and their minions
get fired up over a DC acquittal

they got no clue the economic slaughter coming thru this harvest cycle
Every rancher I know is selling off their herd right now. They see what is coming and know they will not be able to afford to feed them over the winter.

On the bright side I was talking with one of the guys a hunt with and he reminded me of something. With corn and protein prices going thru the roof most people cut way back on their feeding programs. For those of us that are biting the bullet and continueing to feed it should make for good hunting this upcoming season. With the drought food sources will be scarce and the deer will be forced to frequent the feeders. Last time we had a drought we had a great deer season.
Every rancher I know is selling off their herd right now. They see what is coming and know they will not be able to afford to feed them over the winter.

On the bright side I was talking with one of the guys a hunt with and he reminded me of something. With corn and protein prices going thru the roof most people cut way back on their feeding programs. For those of us that are biting the bullet and continueing to feed it should make for good hunting this upcoming season. With the drought food sources will be scarce and the deer will be forced to frequent the feeders. Last time we had a drought we had a great deer season.
Son-in-law plans to keep feeding deer and African stags at his Lake Whitney ranch.
Whoopsie. Brandon is the epitome of failure. I see why the leftards on the board worship him.

Biden says he wasn't aware of baby formula shortage severity until two months ago

Whoopsie. Brandon is the epitome of failure. I see why the leftards on the board worship him.

Biden says he wasn't aware of baby formula shortage severity until two months ago

Even admitted he was told shuttering the plant would cause shortages and he ignored the warning. SMFH
Hearing UK is way worse than us- going to be a lot of suffering with these global installed
Leaders in power- a Lot.

Get ready for the central bank global crypto currency to come in and save
The day- then you will be told what you can and cannot buy- book it Dano
Hearing UK is way worse than us- going to be a lot of suffering with these global installed
Leaders in power- a Lot.

Get ready for the central bank global crypto currency to come in and save
The day- then you will be told what you can and cannot buy- book it Dano
When you look at it, we already have a federal reserve cryptocurrency of sorts. Except for the few times people pull out real cash these days, everything is digital. I agree with you that there are dark forces globally who want to take it a step further and control behavior with the currency, exactly like little Justin Trudeau did with the truckers some months back. That dumb little bastard tipped his hand and showed the world exactly the kind of punitive measures they want to enforce using their control over the money system.
Brandon accomplished nothing in 40+ years of being a parasitic whore politician for the colony of Delaware and in just 1/10 that time as prez will accomplish even less. He is the poster child for term limits and why congress/fed is chalked full of jive talking, half-witted, unaccountable parasitic whores who don't worry about $5 / gal gas because they have all become millionaires through graft, reach arounds and indifference.

He is clueless and the media is to blame for polishing this turd and presenting it as the new moderate turd.
Brandon accomplished nothing in 40+ years of being a parasitic whore politician for the colony of Delaware and in just 1/10 that time as prez will accomplish even less. He is the poster child for term limits and why congress/fed is chalked full of jive talking, half-witted, unaccountable parasitic whores who don't worry about $5 / gal gas because they have all become millionaires through graft, reach arounds and indifference.

He is clueless and the media is to blame for polishing this turd and presenting it as the new moderate turd.
Barry Soetoro's third term is going about as well as many of us predicted. Brandon has no clue. They had to have a staff member in an Easter Bunny costume to keep him from talking to the press. Sad.
Just keep lowering your expectations. America never has been Great, Democracy has never been good.


The idea we’re going to be able to click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline is not likely in the near term, nor is it with regard to food,”

What's Biden's solution? Another multi trillion dollar government spending program just like the one that caused the problem in the first place, which will only make the problem worse. SMFH.
I would like to ask our fiend, @07pilt, how Biden's economic plans are connected to Modern Monetary Theory.
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They killed domestic oil production, prices going through the roof on purpose. They pay farmers 10 year contracts to NOT make food, They are setting canning factories on fire, They are not importing fertilizer, They are saying chickens have some BS virus and mass slaughtering them- prices aren't no way coming down.

Economy is being taken down and famine beginning and the Normies are scared to say fix the election- we are getting (as a whole) what we deserve, individually the ones fighting back sure don't deserve
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Brandon didn't actively campaign. In Scranton, Brandon drew some jeering humans wearing MAGA hats and flies. In Democrat debates, Brandon promised economic stagnation and higher crime rates. The board's slow 10 are outraged because the board's majority doesn't buy into an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for this nightmare.
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