Another day, another mass shooting

Why just last night there was a burglary. Anti burglary laws are soooo stupid since people still burglarize homes. Ditto for rape, speeding, bogus checks....
You guys didn't know that laws prevent crimes? You silly fools. Don't you know anything about history? We banned alcohol and it ended alcoholism, drunk driving, beating your wife, wearing Sooners caps, no wait a minute. Nevermind. We had a war on drugs and now no one gets high, sniffs coke, takes bath salts, eats the flesh of, no no. Just another minute. We banned the making of bombs and......shit. Okay, okay, let's see, murder is illegal, happens everyday, theft too.

Got it! Oklahoma banned whaling within state borders. Oklahoma, zero whale deaths since, well, forever. By God, laws do work!!!! We just need more of them.
Thor drops the hammer. And then the mic. Liberal tears are tasty.
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Why just last night there was a burglary. Anti burglary laws are soooo stupid since people still burglarize homes. Ditto for rape, speeding, bogus checks....
Illegal immigration? Can I get a law check on illegal immigration? No enforcement on aisle 3.

Try harder dumbass.
Why just last night there was a burglary. Anti burglary laws are soooo stupid since people still burglarize homes. Ditto for rape, speeding, bogus checks....

Thank you for driving home the point.

All laws do is give victims and their families the opportunity of retribution for crimes committed against them while simultaneously shifting force from those affected to a third party we hope is impartial.

There are good laws and bad laws. A law banning alcohol, drugs, guns, underwear, ropes, you name it, is useless. It only affects law abiding citizens. Not those more likely to commit crimes and ignore laws.

Laws banning murder, theft, assault, rape, etc are proper laws. While not deterring or preventing said crimes they do allow victims an avenue for "justice" i.e. retribution, and actually reduce vigilantism thereby decreasing innocent parties losing life and liberty at the hands of a mob.
You guys didn't know that laws prevent crimes? You silly fools. Don't you know anything about history? We banned alcohol and it ended alcoholism, drunk driving, beating your wife, wearing Sooners caps, no wait a minute. Nevermind. We had a war on drugs and now no one gets high, sniffs coke, takes bath salts, eats the flesh of, no no. Just another minute. We banned the making of bombs and......shit. Okay, okay, let's see, murder is illegal, happens everyday, theft too.

Got it! Oklahoma banned whaling within state borders. Oklahoma, zero whale deaths since, well, forever. By God, laws do work!!!! We just need more of them.

Sys getting owned. Again. Classic.
White guys shooting up schools and movie theaters is hardly an epidemic. Murder rates in Chicago, DC, New Orleans and Detroit have murder rates ten times the national average. Why are we focusing on two murders when there are 16,000 murders every year?

Should we tell gang members to turn in their guns?
Thank you for driving home the point.

Laws banning murder, theft, assault, rape, etc are proper laws. While not deterring or preventing said crimes they do allow victims an avenue for "justice" i.e. retribution, and actually reduce vigilantism thereby decreasing innocent parties losing life and liberty at the hands of a mob.

Do you REALLY think laws do not deter or prevent crimes?
The problem is psychotropic drugs and letting obviously disturbed people fall through the cracks. Mental health problen.

Politicizing this into a gun issue every time like a vulture who can't even wait for the bodies to get cold is morbid.

It says a lot about the baseless nature of your argument when you resort to name calling because you can't articulate a defensible position.

I do enjoy watching you try though.
Yeah, and I could poison someone in even less time. What's your point, that people will just substitute another method of killing if guns are taken away?
No, the point is you can take guns away from law abiding citizens and that won't do shit despite liberal fantasies. You see, it's the criminals (people who commit crimes) that are the problem. Strangely enough, it's against the law for a felon to possess a firearm. That surely stops felons from possessing guns right? And since people aren't born with criminal convictions, it is actually possible that a person who intends to purchase a firearm to commit a crime can legally buy one even with a maze of background checks in place. Odd...

Is paint huffing part of the liberal indoctrination?
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You see, it's the criminals (people who commit crimes) that are the problem. Strangely enough, it's against the law for a felon to possess a firearm. That surely stops felons from possessing guns right?

That has nothing to do with the post re: pipe bombs. This is the problem with conservatives: it's like arguing with a mad wife, you try to address a raised topic and in reply, another handful of unrelated shit is thrown into the fan.
That has nothing to do with the post re: pipe bombs. This is the problem with conservatives: it's like arguing with a mad wife, you try to address a raised topic and in reply, another handful of unrelated shit is thrown into the fan.
That has nothing to do with the post re: pipe bombs. This is the problem with conservatives: it's like arguing with a mad wife, you try to address a raised topic and in reply, another handful of unrelated shit is thrown into the fan.

It's almost like blaming a flag for a crazy racist killing a bunch of people of another race? Crazy, right?
Please please please please do no mistake my intentions here. I am not, and never have been, an advocate of taking away a citizen's right to own a firearm. What I hear from both sides is that 1. Laws are very limited in usefulness in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. 2. Laws are very limited in usefulness in keeping guns out of mentally imbalanced peoples' hands. 3. No ONE has ever put up a suggestion that effectively addresses any of these issues or protect the population from gun violence. So it seems that this issue will exist as long as the USA exists. It is very sad that so so so so so many innocent people have to die. Maybe the fire needs to be lit under the manufacturers to try and develop some better safety technology for guns?
The guy had been committed to a mental institution but that information never made it to the NICS. In my opinion that is the issue and that is the problem. Maybe he would have found another way to buy a gun but the whole point of the NICS is to keep nutjobs and criminals from buying guns and it failed this time because the database is not getting the information it needs to work properly. In another thread there was anger because Obama was trying to get the SSA to follow the law and report to the NICS those that have filed for SS due to mental issues. This seems like a completely reasonable course of action. The database is useless if it doesn't get the proper information.
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The solution isn't in the laws regarding the gun. The only way to reduce the violence is to first make it a much more serious offense for a felon to posses a gun or a person using a gun in the commission of a crime. Let out non-violent drug users (not major dealers, like Obama just did) to make room for these people.

Second you have to get some common sense back into securing people who have dangerous mental issues.
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Seriously mentally ill people are usually also on chemical cocktails of powerful psychotropics. Everyone's brain is wired differently so while such a prescription cocktail may help 19 people find relief, that 20th person may just find that it activates other mental problems.

Virtually every non Islamic mass shooting in this country has this in common. It's obvious that the mental health angle is where meaningful change can happen.

Enacting more gun laws is not the answer and throws the baby out with the bath water.
However you can't deprive mentally ill people of their constutionally protected rights without proper judicial review. Our court system isn't built to handle that.
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However you can't deprive mentally ill people of their constutionally protected rights without proper judicial review. Our court system isn't built to handle that.

However, back to the original topic. Abortion for convenience should be criminal.

Wouldn't the mechanics of that work similarly to depriving a person of the right to vote based on a felony conviction?
Seriously mentally ill people are usually also on chemical cocktails of powerful psychotropics. Everyone's brain is wired differently so while such a prescription cocktail may help 19 people find relief, that 20th person may just find that it activates other mental problems.

Virtually every non Islamic mass shooting in this country has this in common. It's obvious that the mental health angle is where meaningful change can happen.

Enacting more gun laws is not the answer and throws the baby out with the bath water.

OK so first I am confused. Are you for more gun laws or not? How do we keep guns out of the mentally ill's hands if not for laws? Second, it boggles my mind when I even attempt to think about how to classify mental illness or how to report it without violating someone's privacy. To take your argument to a radical end, if I have a traumatic event in my life and need some medication to help me with a clinically diagnosed depression are government storm troopers going to come in to my house and take away the guns I own? Third, why are removing "islamic" mass shootings from the equation? Don't we want to stop these also?
OK so first I am confused. Are you for more gun laws or not? How do we keep guns out of the mentally ill's hands if not for laws? Second, it boggles my mind when I even attempt to think about how to classify mental illness or how to report it without violating someone's privacy. To take your argument to a radical end, if I have a traumatic event in my life and need some medication to help me with a clinically diagnosed depression are government storm troopers going to come in to my house and take away the guns I own? Third, why are removing "islamic" mass shootings from the equation? Don't we want to stop these also?

In this particular case the man was committed to an institution by a court. That seems like a simple remedy to have that reported to NCIS. The same holds true for anyone applying for SS due to mental impairment. It's not like you report it every time someone pops a Xanax but these seem like clear cut cases.
However you can't deprive mentally ill people of their constutionally protected rights without proper judicial review. Our court system isn't built to handle that.

And therein lies the rub.

Who defines who is too crazy to own a weapon? By what metric are they judged? 90% of the people posting on this board likely have a diagnosable mental illness.

And once something is standardized, is that it? Or is it expandable (likely so) to other groups which whomever sits in future power deems unfit to arm themselves?
OK so first I am confused. Are you for more gun laws or not? How do we keep guns out of the mentally ill's hands if not for laws? Second, it boggles my mind when I even attempt to think about how to classify mental illness or how to report it without violating someone's privacy. To take your argument to a radical end, if I have a traumatic event in my life and need some medication to help me with a clinically diagnosed depression are government storm troopers going to come in to my house and take away the guns I own? Third, why are removing "islamic" mass shootings from the equation? Don't we want to stop these also?


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