Next Years Lineup

125 - Sprately. Hopefully AA, but the weight is very deep again.
133 - Who knows. I was hoping Hughes, but is he too big? Sakamoto should redshirt - no folkstyle experience and a true frosh.
141 - Jamison? Hughes? Young? Possible AA.
149 - Williams - should be AA if he wants it. Lots of talent.
157 - I like Travis after a year of lifting. Possible AA - this weight clears out a lot.
165 - Portal
174 - Portal. Thompson should redshirt and go to 184lb the following year
184 - Plott - hopefully finalist again
197 - Caroll. Potential to be a high AA. He's an elite talent - the kind that we need up and down the lineup.
Hwt - Doucet. He could sneak in a low AA. Weight clears out quite a bit. Merrill should redshirt. He'll be a true frosh and too small. He is another elite talent though. Just hope he's big enough for heavy the year after.

The bad news is we're only returning 1 AA which is ridiculous for OSU. It's like Smith just hung it up after the string of national titles in the early 2000s and stopped recruiting elite talent and let all the other programs catch up. With Gable gone, the platform was there for OSU to establish itself as "THE" place for elite talent to come, like PSU is now but Smith blew it.

The good news is I think the future trajectory has changed from down to flat to in the up direction again finally. Once you've hit rock bottom it's hard to climb out of that hole though. I think Smith is finally using the modern tools of recruiting and Coleman is helping tremendously. Next year with no help from the Portal we're probably sitting at around 3, maybe 4 AA. With help hopefully more. There has been some good recruiting lately - the elite talent that it takes to get back to the top 3. Caroll, Merrill, Sakamoto, Lockett - These guys have the potential to win multiple titles - we just need more of them.

Watch the first 5 minutes of this...

and tell me how ANYONE here in America can be supporting these POS's that are supporting Hamas/Gaza/Palestinians on our college campuses.

I show this video to my U.S. History classes every year at the end of the year, but EVERYONE should watch it.

I was prefacing it for this year's showing and it's incredible how it relates to today!

Also, notice where this reporter at the first of this video was attending this meeting of Islamic radicals.

ZERO Hour: 9-11
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Tulsi Gabbard

Has proven to be a huge disappointment to me as she has shifted policies in her ambitious drive to get Donald Trump to name her as his VP candidate. But there is one good thing about it if she succeeds: her debate with Kamala Harris would be epic, and would probably exceed the number of tv viewers of any American political debate in history. For that reason alone it would be worth rooting for her to get the nomination.

Narrative Busted: Colonialism and Slavery Did Not Make British Empire Wealthy, Report Finds

Article makes complete sense, so this will be the next book on my list to buy/read. Few benefited while those that didn't benefit bore the tax burden to ensure the success of those few by paying for the military & other services.

There Is A Rapidly Changing Paradigm Shift

In America’s “special relationship” with Israel. AIPAC better pony up gobs more money than it has in the past and even that may not be enough. Young Americans, especially young Jewish Americans, are discovering they’ve been given a sanitized version of Israeli history and are mad as hell and aren’t going to put up with it any more. “Not in Our Name” is about all Americans, not just the Jewish ones. The world will be a better place when the “special relationship” is not so special any more. The shift is on and there’s nothing AIPAC can do about it, the toothpaste is out of the tube.

CNN & MAGA Commenters On This Board

Two peas in a pod join with Sleepy Joe Biden to create an irresistible force. Sleepy Joe, who in half a century has never gotten a single issue right. Until now. Our MAGA friends insist when it comes to Israel and genocide he’s 100% good. Go figure. Don’t worry, Sleepy, MAGA & CNN have your back

Geoff Baum has retired!

I linked his page and a page about OSU wrestlers of that time period....1971

I loved watching him wrestle....I believe he was from Grants Pass, Oregon. (I used to write a little sports newspaper while at Stillwater Junior High)

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